Qi-regulating Formulae

Qi-regulating Formulae aim to regulate qi flow that can relieve disharmonies like qi stagnation, and counterflow of qi.

Qi (vital energy) is one of the fundamental substances constituting the body. When pathological change occurs in whatever region, organs or meridians of the body, it will always initially affect the qi movements. Disharmony in qi flowing can be seen in a wide range of clinical conditions, physicians will design the remedies accordingly to specific signs. Qi stagnation is characterized with a sense fullness, distending pain or stringy pain that can be alleviated by belching or fart. For disharmonies of counterflow of qi, some particular symptoms can help identifying the involved organs, for example coughing and asthmatic breathing indicated the lungs; belching, nausea and vomiting indicated the stomach; headache, dizziness, bad temper and even spitting blood indicated the liver. The approach of sending qi downwards is usually for treating problems like vomiting, hiccups, belching, and some forms of coughing and asthmas.

The ingredients in the qi-regulating formulae are usually pungent, warm and drying in properties, which tend to further deplete the body fluids and qi, thus it is necessary to be aware of over consumption, in particular for those who are weak, yin vacuity with internal heat or pregnancy.

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Qi-regulating Formulae

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