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About Shen-Nong


Shen Nong is thought to have lived between the 27th and 25th centuries BC. No one knows for sure whether or not he actually existed, but stories over time have bestowed upon him legend status and titles such as “fire emperor”, “red emperor,” “heavenly husbandman” and “divine farmer.” Shen Nong has been credited with advancing Chinese farming techniques by teaching farmers how to plant grains of millet, rye and wheat and with inventing the wooden plough. He contributed to ancient Chinese medicine with his extensive knowledge of herbs, which he acquired by tasting them in order to distinguish those with medicinal value from poisonous ones. Later in the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD), a book called the Shennong Bencaojing (Classic of Herbal Medicine, Shen Nong’s Cannon of Herbs, or Pharmacopeia of the Heavenly Husbandman) was written. While this book’s authorship is attributed to Shen Nong, it actually was written by several anonymous authors who wished to honor him. It is considered the earliest complete pharmacopeia reference and lists an astonishing 365 Chinese medicines. Even today, this book is still used by Chinese medicine physicians because of the detailed knowledge it contains.

Like the book Shennong Bencaojing, this website www.shen-nong.com aims to be a valuable resource for people to know about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM); topics developed under it encompass the history, principles, consultation, treatment methods, prevention, research, and its ancient cultural heritage that still guides the living of Chinese people today. The differences between Chinese and Western medicines are illustrated in various health topics. TCM glossary, herbal list, classic formulae, and locating a TCM practitioner have been developed to provide quick tools for searching. A forum is opened to share all kinds of experiences too.

Our Mission & Vision

In today’s modern world, there are many healthcare options for people to choose. Misunderstandings and lack of education about Chinese Medicine often shape an untruthful perception of it as quackery or witchcraft, which in fact, it is one of the oldest healthcare systems in the world and has contributed to the health and well-being of Chinese people for centuries.

  • Our mission is to dispel the mistruths about Chinese Medicine and to help individuals make informed healthcare choices by imparting clear and concise information about TCM’s uses, benefits and cultural heritage.
  • Our vision is to provide a more global understanding of TCM through support of scientific research endeavors with Chinese medicine and Western approaches.

Together with education and research, Traditional Chinese Medicine continues to adapt to meet the health needs of today’s society while maintaining its holistic approach.