Home Useful Links

Useful Links

If you have come across a brilliant TCM information website, please don’t hesitate to recommend to us .

Chinese Medical Council of Hong Kong : A regulatory body of Hong Kong, SAR China. 
Chinese Medicine Division : press release of Department of Health, HKSAR. 
Chinese Medicine Service : provided by Hospital Authority, HKSAR. 
Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy : The regulatory body of Taiwan. 
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board : A regulatory body of Singapore. 
Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd: A leading national professional association of acupuncture and TCM practitioners. 
The Australian Traditional Medicine Society: Australia's largest professional association of complementary medicine practitioners. 
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture: AAMA promotes the integration of traditional and modern forms of acupuncture with Western medical training. 
National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine: NCCAOM aims to establish, assess, and promote recognized standards of competence and safety in acupuncture and Oriental medicine in USA. 
European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association: ETCMA is an umbrella organization for professional associations that represent different fields within TCM. 
The Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture UK: A main regulatory body for the practice of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, tuina in UK. 
Pan European Federation of TCM Societies: PEFOTS aims to promote cooperation between TCM organizations and practitioners in Europe. 
British Acupuncture Council: UK's main regulatory body for the practice of acupuncture. 
The Canadian Society of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture: Canada's largest and most prestigious professional organization of TCM and acupuncture. 
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia: An official professional licensing authority of British Columbia, Canada. 
World Health Organization: WHO strategy regarding traditional medicine. 
National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine: One of the centers that make up the National Institutes of Health in the US. 
The Professional Register of Traditional Chinese Medicine: a website for Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Ireland. 
The World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies: WFCMS is an international academic organization based in Beijing. 
The Qigong Institute: An organization dedicated to promoting qigong through research and education. 
The Journal of Chinese Medicine: A journal on all aspects of Chinese medicine. 
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine: JTCM is a resource to acupuncture & oriental medicine, that co-sponsored by the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacy, and the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 
Chinese Medicine Journal: an open access, online journal publishing evidence-based, scientifically justified, and ethical research into all aspects of Chinese medicine. 
Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine: AJACM is an Australia's paramount peer-reviewed journal for the acupuncture and Chinese medicine profession. 
Qi Journal: The Journal of traditional eastern health and fitness. 
Acupuncture.Com: Chinese medicine, health and wellness. 
TCMStudent: Acupuncture and oriental medicine information for students and practitioners. 
The Chinese Medicine Sampler: 100 pages about TCM in consumer Language. 
Acupuncture.com.au: Providing TCM resources for beginners and professionals. 
Medboo TCM Training : Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in China.  

Dictionary of Chinese Herbs 
Chinese Herbal Materia Medica 
Chinese Herbs 
Herb Information 
Herbs and Supplements 
Chinese Medicine Formulae Images Database 
Chinese Medicine Material Images Database  

Ling Na Ernst-Cheng: practice TCM in Zurich area Switzerland.