Body's Organs from a TCM Perspective

Internal organs from a TCM perspectiveIn western medicine, the body's organs are explained in terms of their anatomical structure and physiological functions. However, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the approach is quite different. Organs are considered functional units of the body. Therefore, what is typically thought of as an organ (i.e. heart, liver, stomach etc.) has a much broader meaning and application in TCM. An organ's anatomical structure is not as important as its yin yang properties or relationships with other organs. Chinese medicine recognizes five yin organs and six yang organs, also known as "zang" and "fu" organs respectively.

Liver functions

Heart functions

Spleen functions

Lung functions

Kidney functions

Gallbladder functions

Stomach functions

Small intestine functions

Large intestine functions

Bladder functions

Triple burner functions


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Body's Organs from a TCM Perspective

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