Six Evils and Seven Emotions

Modern medical science attempts to isolate pure physical factors as the cause of disease. Bacteria and viruses, chemical compounds, and other external factors are blamed for most illnesses. The Chinese, however, view the "causes" only part of the triggering factors of disease development; when the body is weak and unable to resist outside invasion, it is therefore prone to attack by an outside agent inevitably. Killing the agent eliminates the immediate threat but does nothing to help the body resuming its resistance. It is only a matter of time before it succumbs to another attack. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) physicians focus on analyzing patients' manifestations in order to understand the internal defect or developmental course, so that their remedies can benefit the body totally.

  Wind -- Cold -- Summer Heat -- Dampness -- Dryness -- Fire & Heat

Generally, all diseases have a definite cause, either internal or external in origin. Of the two, internal factors are more important because it is internal weakness, which first permits invasion by external forces of excess. A strong, healthy, well-balanced body and mind will resist attack from even the most extreme environmental factors. This again explains the stress that TCM places on basic preventative care through diet, exercise, breathing, regulated sex, and preventative herbal prescriptions. It has only been in the past few decades that Western medicine has started to follow suit and incorporate some TCM concepts into its practice.

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Six Evils and Seven Emotions

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