Dampness Evil

A damp climate is believed to cause rheumatism. Dampness is associated with the element earth and is most active in late summer. Ailments of excessive dampness can be induced by sudden exposure to fog or mists, immersion in water or exposure to rain, and living in humid locations. The symptoms - lethargy, aching joints, and chest stuffiness - are characteristically heavy and sluggish in nature and tend to block the flow of energy throughout the body. "Inner-dampness" is caused by excess cold consumption of liquor, tea, cold melons, and sweet, greasy foods. These impede spleen functions and cause symptoms of abdominal swelling, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Characteristics of the dampness evil

  • Dampness evil is related to heaviness and turbidness; it tends to induce signs like heaviness in the forehead, body or limbs, secretions in the throat, eyes, nose or ears, vaginal discharges in women, loose stools with mucus, and wet rashes on the skin;
  • Dampness evil belongs to a yin evil, and it tends to disturb the qi (vital energy) activities and block the meridian flow, leading to chest stuffiness and abdominal distention. The spleen and stomach are the major organs for body fluid metabolism, where dampness evil usually attacks them first, and cause signs like diarrhea, general swelling, poor appetite, nausea and vomiting;
  • Dampness damages are characterized by stickiness and stagnation, in other words, the conditions tend to be lingering and have excess discharges;
  • Dampness evil tends to descend and attack the yin sites of the body, affecting the lower body.

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Dampness Evil

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