How TCM Associates Aging Signs with Internal Disharmonies ?

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) claims that life activities are supported by organs, blood and qi (vital energy). When the internal environment is harmonized and coordinated, health is ensured and aging cannot be appeared easily.  Generally, people who are healthy should have following features:  
TCM five organ systems
Aging is a comprehensive degenerating process, the body loses its power reserves and gradually leads to low energy, metabolic disturbances, physical changes, susceptibility to disease and less adaptive to adverse conditions. TCM believes that signs on the body surface reflect the inner problems, aging process is centered around the
five organ systems, the heart, liver, lung, spleen and kidney. In other words, internal disharmonies that affect the body's ability to maintain, repair and defend itself as aged are mainly associated with the following organs.

Heart deterioration

In TCM, the heart is the functional unit for regulating blood flow. When this function declines, there will be shortness of breath, palpitations, a pale complexion, sensitive to coldness, chest pain or tightness in the chest. Furthermore, the heart houses the spirit (shen); an under-performing heart leads to mental problems such as changes in sleeping patterns, nervousness, decreased memory and learning ability, slow reactions, disorientation, dementia or behavioral changes.

Liver deterioration

In TCM, the liver regulates qi movements inside the body; it also stores the blood, rules tendons and nails, and opens into the eyes. When liver blood is inadequate, there will be decreased visual abilities, dryness, general weakness and fatigue. If the liver fails to nourish the tendons and nails, it will lead to limb weakness, joint stiffness, humpback, clumsiness, and brittle and deformed nails. Liver stagnation resulting from impaired flow of qi leads to dizziness, moody, suspicious, numbness, anxiety, irritability and emotional problems.

Lung deterioration

In TCM, the lung dominates qi flowing, rules respiration, regulates water channels, monitors the skin and hair, and opens into the nose. When the lung is dysfunctional, there can be symptoms such as a trembling voice, breath shortness, coughing, excessive throat and nasal secretions, chest oppression, sweating and constipation. There can also be a decrease in the sense of smell due to lung weakness. In addition, the skin and body hair are nourished by protective qi from the lung; if this particular function is weakened, then skin and body hair turn lusterless and loosen, and starts to develop wrinkles and brown spots. The body will sweat easily and there will be low resistance against infection.

Spleen deterioration

In TCM, the spleen is the primary organ for digestion and absorption, that provide and distribute nutrient essence for the body. It also governs the movement of blood, rules the muscles of limbs, opens into the mouth and controls saliva secretion. Aging signs corresponding with spleen weakness are decreased in taste sense or appetite, drooling, indigestion, sallow complexion, easy be fatigue, abdominal distention, muscular weakness, obesity or underweight, change of physique shape, abnormal bowel and urinary habits, bleeding tendency and organ prolapse. 

Kidney deterioration

In TCM, the kidney stores essence, rules the growth, development and reproduction of the body, dominates water metabolism, grasps qi, dominates bones, products marrow to fills up the brain, controls hearing and hair, and opening of anterior and posterior orifices. Deterioration in kidney functioning, exhaustion of essence storage and cessation of tian gui production are regarded as the root of aging; associated signs include decrease in energy and vigor, dizziness, limb coldness, diminished hormone levels, decreased libido, cessation of menstruation, ear ringing, declined hearing, night urination or urinary difficulty. Kidney deterioration leads to bone and tendon wasting in elder people, typical signs are loose physique, loose teeth, lumbar and knee soreness, humpback or back bending, unsteady walking, stiff joints and moving difficulty. Kidney deterioration that fails to nourish the body hair, the hair will become gray, brittle and thin, or even lose hair totally.

Although aged-related changes occur in everyone, there is no reliable way to predict how you will age specifically. Signs and symptoms vary from person to person, and even in different organs. Aging is the cumulative effect of the interaction of many lifelong influences, such as heredity, environment, culture, diet, exercise and illnesses. One of the mainstays in TCM anti-aging approaches is differentiation of disharmony in the above organ systems for each individual case, followed by tailor-made anti-aging plan. The kidney and spleen are the primary targets of treatment.

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How TCM Associates Aging Signs with Internal Disharmonies ?

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