A Holistic Way to Slow Down Aging

There is saying in TCM: "Women begin to deteriorate in the Yang Ming Meridians with corresponding changes shown in the face first, while men begin with a declined kidney and the early signs will usually be loose teeth and hair loss". Nevertheless, changes in appearance usually herald our first awareness of aging; thereafter, it will be problems of the nine orifices such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth, urethra (or vagina) and anus, and finally, mental deterioration. The changes in appearance, physique and mental are the most obvious signs of aging, they change along with the overall degeneration of the body, and are reflections of internal disharmonies. Therefore, simply taking care of the appearance, physique or mental alone is hard to achieve the anti-aging purpose, a coordinated internal condition such as stable organ functioning, unblock meridian system, effective blood and qi circulations are the root for deferring the body’s degeneration process. 
To stay young, TCM anti-aging plan is often divided into three aspects: skin health, physique health and mental health. A wide variety of remedies are used to maintain and nourish these aspects so as to moderate the ageing process.

Generally, the managing methods are based on following principles: 

  • Keeping skin young: replenishing blood and activating its circulation, nourishing yin and support lubrication effect.  
  • Delay physical aging: enhancing spleen, protecting stomach, invigorating kidney and nourishing liver.  
  • Delay mental aging: nourishing heart, enhancing spleen and regulating liver.  
It should be stressed that skin health, physique health and mental health cannot be treated separately, as they are complementary to each other. You are unlikely to stay younger by simply focusing on skin or physique or mental conditions, only comprehensive approach that fulfils personal needs can achieve a substantial effect. Anti-aging should not be relied on one single prescription, but use different prescriptions alternatively, or adhere to one major prescription and aid with other methods. 

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A Holistic Way to Slow Down Aging

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