Fundamental Substances of the Body

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) was established and developed in the light of ancient Chinese natural philosophy, a number of relevant terms are used for the description of basic medical theories. For example, qi is generally referred to an invisible and flowing life force inside the body, while essence (jing) is referred to the useful essential substances of the body.

Qi, essence, blood and body fluids are the material basis for body structures and life activities in TCM. These fundamental substances rely on body's organs and tissues to accomplish their formations and metabolisms; the substances in return support the organs and tissues to stay in functioning, for example qi take part in motivating and warming, which essence, blood and body fluids take part in nourishing and moistening. Thus, there are close relationships between the fundamental substances and the internal organs and body tissues, both in physiological and pathological aspects.

From a yin yang viewpoint, qi belongs to yang, which is dynamic, motivating and warming in properties, so it tends to be flowing constantly and cannot be stagnated and blocked; while essence, blood and body fluids belong to yin, which are relative static, nourishing and moistening in properties, so they tend to be less active, hidden and not suitable for consumed harshly.

This chapter introduces the concepts of qi, blood and body fluids in TCM, about their formations, functions, transformations and transportation inside the body and some disharmony changes.

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Fundamental Substances of the Body

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