Disharmony of Kidney and Bladder

足少陰腎經 The kidney meridian The kidney resides in the lumbar (lower back) region. The main physiological functions of the kidneys are storing essence, controlling water, grasping qi, producing marrow and filling up the brain with marrow also referred to as the sea of marrow . The hair, ear, anal and genital orifices are important to examine externally to check kidney health. The kidney meridian communicates with the bladder meridian creating an exterior and interior relationship, which means these two organs influence each other closely. The important signs in kidneys diseases are soreness and weakness in the lumbar (lower back) region and knees, ear ringing, deafness, grey hair, loss of hair, loose teeth, impotence, nocturnal seminal emission, sterility, menstrual problems, general edema and problems with urination and defecation.
Kidneys and bladder Disharmonies
Presentations Reference with Western medicine
Deficiency of kidney yang Aversion to cold temperatures, cold limbs, soreness and weakness in the lower back and knee joints, spiritual fatigue, dizziness, pale or gray dark face, diarrhea before daybreak, profuse and clear urine or scanty urine with general body swelling,, impotence in males and sterility in females. On examination, the tongue is pale, bulky and moist with a white coating, and the pulse is deep and slow. Neurasthenia, sterility, prostate disorders, sexual dysfunction
Insecurity kidney qi Spiritual fatigue, soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, pale face, hearing difficulty, frequent urination, producing large amounts of urine, dribbling after urination, involuntary leakage of urine, incontinence, nocturnal seminal emission and even infertility in males, excessive and thin vaginal discharges in women, and threaten abortion. On examination, the tongue is pale with a white coating, and the pulse is thready and deep. Neurasthenia, sterility, prostate disorders, sexual dysfunction
Kidneys failing to grasp qi Soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees, dizziness, ear ringing, pale white complexion, face swelling, cold limbs, fatigue, general weakness, spontaneous sweating, shortness of breath, difficulty inhaling with longer exhalation times and severe wheezing with exercise. On examination, the tongue is pale, and the pulse is deficienct (xu). Chronic asthmatic bronchitis, heart failure
Kidney deficiency kidney leading to edema General swelling which is more severe in the lower limbs, abdominal distention, scanty urine, and soreness and weakness in the lower back and knees. Palpitations, asthma, cough with sputum or gurgling in throat, which all may be aggravated by exertion may also be present. On examination, the tongue is pale and bulky with a white glossy coating, and the pulse is deep and thready. Chronic nephritis, heart failure
Deficiency of kidney yin Dizziness, ringing in the ears, insomnia, soreness and weakness in lower back and knee joints, dry mouth, afternoon fever, flushed cheeks, night sweating, dark yellow urine, constipation, hot sensation in palms and soles, skinny appearance, increased libido and nocturnal emission in males and menstrual problems in females. On examination, the tongue is red, and the pulse is thready and rapid. Neurasthenia, sterility, sexual dysfunction, tuberculosis
Insufficiency of kidney essence Decreased sexual functioning, infertility, poor sperm count in men and missed period in women. A retarded growth and development in children and may appear in short stature, slow mental response, sluggish motions, delay fontanel closure and soft skeleton. Premature ageing in adults and may appear in hair loss, loose teeth, ear ringing, hear declined, forgetfulness, absentmindedness, sluggish motions, lower limb weakness, and slow mental response. Infertility, sexual dysfunctions, growth problems in children, early ageing
Damp-heat in bladder Frequent and urgent desire to urinate, difficulty urinating, scanty urine with reddish tinge, burning pain in the urethra. There may be blood clots or stones in the urine, possibly lower abdominal distension or pain in the mid and lower back. On examination, the tongue is red with a yellow and greasy coating, and the pulse is rolling and rapid or hesitant and rapid. Urinary infection prostatitis, urinary stones

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Disharmony of Kidney and Bladder

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