Food Recipes for Invigorating Heart and Spleen

In menopause, due to the fluctuation in hormone levels, the body's regulatory system becomes unstable and tends to exhibit different features. Symptoms like menstrual irregularities, palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, weakness and paleness are very common among women; TCM believes that they can be relieved by invigorating the heart and spleen.

1. Double steamed pig's brain

Ingredients Shriveled wheat (30g), red dates (20g), polygala root (5g) and pig's brain (500g)
Method Boil the shriveled wheat and polygala root to make a thick sauce first. Soak the red dates to tender, discard the seed and mashed. Rinse the pig's brain and remove the thin layer. Put the brain in a bowl, and marinate with salt, the herbal sauce, millet wine, mashed red date and ginger. Double-steam under high heat for 30 minutes; sprinkle sesame oil and pepper and serve hot.
Benefits The ingredients work together to soothe the spleen and heart, calm the mind, replenish brain marrow and ease irritability. It should be noted that due to its high cholesterol content, the dish is not suitable for obese individuals and for those with loose bowels.

2. Double-steam pig's heart and arborvitae kernel

Ingredients Chinese arborvitae kernel (15g) and pig's heart (1 piece)
Method Clean the heart and use a knife to prick a hole on it, stuff the kernels inside through the hole. Put the heart in a double-steam container, pour in 300ml of water, add in millet wine, salt and ginger to taste. Steam for 1 hour under high heat, then take out the heart, discard the kernels and slice it. Reheat the remaining soup, add pepper to taste, and pour it back in a bowl with sliced heart. Drink the soup and eat the meat.
Benefits This dish promotes sleep, calms the mind and enhances mental sharpness. It should be noted that due to the high cholesterol content, the dish is not suitable for obese individuals, and also those with loose bowels.

3. Pig's heart and jujube seed stew

Ingredients Pig's heart (1 piece), poria (15g), sour jujube seed (15g) and polygala root (6g)
Method Clean the heart and cut into halve; wash the herbal ingredients and wrap in a gauze bag. Put all the ingredients in a pot with 1000ml of water, bring to a boil quickly, discard the floating foam; add in salt, millet wine, ginger, pepper to taste; return to simmer and stew until the heart is fully tender. Drink the soup and eat the meat.
Benefits The ingredients help ease a restless mind, arrest palpitations, sweating and dizziness, promote mental sharpness and sleeping. It should be noted that due to the high cholesterol content, the dish is not suitable for obese individuals and also those with loose bowels.

4. Yam, longan, lotus seed and pork ribs stew

Ingredients Chinese yam (50g), longan aril (15g), lotus seed (30g) and port ribs (500g)
Method Soak and rinse the herbs. Cut the pork ribs in pieces, blanch in boiling water and drain; then marinate with salt, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, rice wine and sugar. Put all the ingredients in a pot, then fill with water to about 1cm from the top; bring to a boil quickly, then cook at a low heat for about 2 hours. Season to taste and serve hot.
Benefits The dish enhances the production of fundamental substances and promotes vitality.

5. Lotus seed porridge

Ingredients Lotus seed and euryale seed (30g each), fresh lotus leaf (one piece), glutinous rice (30g)
Method Boil the lotus leaf in a pot of water for 15 minutes first, then discard the leaf; add other ingredients and cook as for porridge.
Benefits The ingredients nourish the heart and calm the mind, and also prevent excess leaking of body's essence. The dish can be used in palpitations, insomnia, lumbar soreness and excessive vaginal discharges.

6. Wheat porridge

Ingredients Whole grain wheat (50g), red dates (5 pieces) and glutinous rice (50g)
Method Boil the wheat in a pot of water for 30 minutes, then discard the wheat and add in other ingredients and cook as for porridge.
Benefits The dish arrests sweating, irritability and excessive thirst, and promotes urination and appetite.

7. Hawthorn fruit and lotus leaf tea

Ingredients Dried hawthorn fruit (15g), dried lotus leaf (12g)
Method Pound the herbs into pieces, prepare as tea and drink regularly.
Benefits The herbs clear body heat, and enhance the heart and spleen functioning.

8. Onion and date tea

Ingredients Little red dates (20 pieces), white part of green onion (7 stalks)
Method Soak and wash the red dates fully, boil in 500ml water for 20 minutes, add in the green onion stalks and simmer for 10 minutes more. Server hot.
Benefits The tea promotes the heart and spleen functioning.
Sour jujube seed Sour jujube seed American ginseng American ginseng Ginseng Ginseng

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Food Recipes for Invigorating Heart and Spleen

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