Insomnia Foot Soaking Remedies

The feet are the endings of three yang meridians (stomach, gall bladder, bladder), while the three yin meridians (spleen, liver, kidney) are starting from there. There are more than sixty acupoints located on each foot, appropriate stimulation on them can activate the flows in the meridians, and enhance body functioning. In modern understanding, soaking the feet dilates the local blood vessels, induces blood flow downward, which relieves the congested state of the brain and relaxes the mind to prepare for sleep. Foot-soaking remedies are not only for relieving foot strain, the method is also  a simple and effective way to promote health.
Herbal foot soaking is a popular home remedy for insomnia, the herbs are often selected according to individual health needs. Each time, prepare a herbal solution in an amount sufficient to cover ankles; keep the water temperature between 50〜60℃, and soak for at least 15 minutes, meanwhile massage on the acupoints of the feet; do this one to three times daily. After bathing, rinse with warm water and wipe the feet properly, keep warm and raise the feet and rest for 15 to 30 minutes.

herbs for dream-disturbed sleep

1. General foot soaking remedy

Prescription (1): Magnetite (50g), sore jujube seed (30g), Chinese arborvitae kernel (30g), tuber fleeceflower stem (15g) and angelica root (20g). See the graphic

2. Insomnia accompanied by a restless mind

Prescription: gambir vine stem (20g) and borneol (3g).

Crush the gambir vine stem, place the ingredients in a gauze bag and put in a basin with hot water. Stir slightly to let the active ingredients release properly. When the water becomes warm, soak the feet for 15 minutes. Twice a day, in the morning and before sleep.

3. Insomnia accompanied by hypertension


4. Insomnia due to over-used the brain


5. Sleep disturbed by dreams and early awakening

For individuals who prefer a whole body treatment, they can also enjoy herbal baths, saunas or steam methods. The heat of the water helps release the properties of the herbs, and also opens the skin pores, which facilitate the herbs being absorbed through the skin and enter into the bloodstream, benefiting the communication between mind and body, and promoting sleep.

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Insomnia Foot Soaking Remedies

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