Enjoying Natural Springs to Promote Health

The healing powers of spring water have been used for thousands of years and are widely accepted in many cultures. The water of natural springs can be in different temperatures, hydro static pressures and mineral contents, depending upon the nature of the geology through which it passes. People usually drink cold spring water and bathe in hot springs.

hotspringIn China, it was recorded that people started to take hot spring baths for various health problems two thousands years ago. Ancient people were highly valued this natural treatment option, and mentioned its health benefits in many medical classics. The heat and pressure effects release body tension, open peripheral blood vessels, promote blood circulation, arrest swelling and pain, enhance skin beauty. In addition, the mineral content of the water can exert particular health benefits, which often determined by properties like electrolytes such as HCO3-, SO42-, Cl-, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+; gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, radon, and certain tract elements such as Ferrum, Bromine and Iodine.

Types of hot springs

Pure springs Water temperature is above 25℃; the content for carbon dioxide ions and solid compounds are below 1g/L.
Carbonic springs The water contains over 1g/L carbon dioxide ions, and the solid compounds are less than 1g/L. The spring water is clear and sweet, and is suitable for drinking.
Alkaline springs The water contains over 1g/L of sodium carbonate, and thus also called soda springs.
Salty springs The water contains more than 1g/L of sodium chloride; people will feel warmer after bathing.
Sulfate springs Also called gypsum springs, in which the water contains over 1g/L of sulfate; it has a bitter taste.
Ferric springs The water contains a high amount of ferric carbonate, which usually oxidized and red in color.
Alum springs The water contains a high amount of aluminum sulphide.
Sulfur springs The water contains a high amount of hydrogen sulphide. It should be only used for bathing, which is particularly good for exfoliation and disinfection.
Acid springs The water contains a high amount of mineral acids; this water cannot be drunk.
Radiate energy springs The hot water contains certain amount of radium or radon.

It is said that hydrogen sulphide promotes functioning of the body; sodium carbonate is beneficial for digestive disorders; chloride ions stimulate blood production and the development of ovarian cysts; calcium and potassium ions enhance cardiovascular functions, and also regulate neural endocrine activates; magnesium ions helps to calm down the neural system; sodium ions are important for muscular contraction.

Forms of hot spring therapy

The usual ways of taking hot spring therapies are immersion, cyclic jets and underwater exercise. Qi-gong, acupuncture, massage and wax treatment are usually be employed along with hot spring baths.

Partial immersion: this is taken by soaking the lower body in a bathtub or pool that filled with water at the navel level, the upper part of body is covered properly.

  • Refreshment: sit in the tub while rubbing the body surface briskly and splashing water over the back region for 3 to 5 minutes. The water temperature starts from 38〜39℃, then gradually declines the water temperature for 0.5〜1℃ after soaked for one to two times. Wipe the body and keep warm when finishing. This is suitable for healthy individuals who suffer from depression or nervous debility.
  • General enhancement: sit in the tub, while, rubbing the body surface softly and splashing water over the back region for 3 to 5 minutes. Keep the water temperature about 35〜36℃ each time. This is suitable for individuals who are weakened or in early recovery period after a long-term illness.
  • Cooling down: sit still in the tub quietly for about 10 to 15 minutes. Start from 38〜39℃ and lower the temperature by 2〜3℃ each time until the maximum tolerance. This is helpful for individuals whose body functioning are overactive.

Full immersion: this is taken by immersing the whole body in a bathtub or pool with water filled to the chest level.

  • Cool soaking: the temperature should between 33〜36℃ and you should soak for 8〜10 minutes. This can relieve heat and enhance body functions, and is usually used for rehabilitation.
  • Tepid soaking: the temperature should be about 37〜38℃ and you should soak for 15〜30 minutes. This can promote calmness and help induce sleep as well as release periphery blood vessels and stressed muscles; this is particularly good for the management of joints or cardiovascular problems.
  • Hot soaking: the temperature should lie between 39〜42℃ and you soaking should be for 5〜30 minutes. This helps relaxation and promotes metabolism, which is also beneficial for skin and joint problems. It overloads the heart and therefore this is not recommended for the aged and those with cardiovascular problems.

Bathing by cyclic jets are good for lumbar problems; during which the entire body or particular regions are splashed with a jet for 3 to 5 minutes. The water temperature lies between 38〜42℃, and with a hydrostatic pressure of 1〜3 Pa.

Underwater exercise is usually performed during rehabilitation of injuries.

Precautions for hot spring baths

Generally, hot spring bathing should not be taken too frequently, for too long or at too high a temperature. Since the properties of different hot springs are not the same, individuals with health problems should consult a professional before taking a hot spring bath, as it may worsen their conditions. For example sulfur springs are good for skin problems, however, it may also induce insomnia in neurasthenic individuals.

  • The usual temperature for spring bathing lies between 38〜42℃, however, for some special springs such as carbonic springs, alkaline springs or sulphide springs, the water temperature should be 37〜38℃ or below, this can prevent vaporization of the gases that would mean loss of some of the therapeutic effects.
  • During soaking, it is recommended to keep in a restful state, prevent physical overloaded and excess sweating. After bathing, wipe the body properly and then rub the body surface into slightly red further stimulating the circulation. Drink some water and rest for one hour.
  • The usual time for soaking is around 15〜20 minutes, but the time is mostly subject to the individual's comfort level. If the pulse is over 120 beats per minute or if you feel tired, bathing should stop immediately. Hot spring baths can be taken once daily, or 2 to 3 times a day and then rest for one day break, each course is for 20 to 30 times. Rest for 7 to 10 days before starting another course.
  • The first time that one has a hot spring bath some adverse reactions may be experienced. These include general symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, palpitation, dizziness, nausea, epilepsy, skin rashes or respiratory problems. There may also be pain or swelling in various body parts. If one or more of these symptoms are experienced, bathing should be stopped immediately.

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Enjoying Natural Springs to Promote Health

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