Herbal Foot Soaking

From a traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) viewpoint, hypertension development is closely associated liver and kidney dysfunctions. The liver meridian and kidney meridian start in the feet, at the acupoints of da dun (Lr 1) and yong quan (Ki 1) respectively. Herbal food soaking can act on the meridians, regulate their blood and qi (vital energy) activities, and thus help reduce the blood pressure. Below are sample prescriptions that used in foot soaking to lower blood pressure. In a Chinese Medicine aspect, hypertension development is closely associated with liver and kidney dysfunctions. In a Chinese Medicine aspect, hypertension development is closely associated with liver and kidney dysfunctions.
  • Magnetite and abalone shell (30g for each, and should be decoct first for 30 minutes); baical skullcap root, peony root bark, mulberry root-bark, red sage root, white peony root, achyranthes root, fleeceflower root, pubescent angelica root, gardenia fruit and angelica root ( 15g for each); chrysanthemum (10g). Decoct the ingredients to make a herbal solution, and use it to soak the feet. Every time soak for 15 to 20 minutes, and do it one or two times daily.
  • Magnetite, abalone shell, fossil bone and oyster shell (30g for each, and should be decoct first for 30 minutes); astragalus root, pilose asiabell root, angelica root, mulberry twig, bitter orange, vitex fruit, caltrop fruit, white peony root, eucommia bark, achyranthes root, combined spicebush root, and pubescent angelica root (15g for each). Decoct the ingredients to make a herbal solution, and use it to soak the feet. Every time soak for 30 minutes, and do it one or two times daily. The herbs work together to lower blood pressure, and also relieve the accompanied symptoms like dizziness, headache, ear ringing, insomnia and limb numbness.
  • Selfheal fruit spike (30g); gambir vine stem, chrysanthemum and mulberry leaf (20g for each); caltrop fruit (10g). Decoct the ingredients to make a herbal solution, and use it to soak the feet. Every time soak for 10 to 15 minutes, and do it one or two times daily. The herbs work together to lower blood pressure, and also relieve the accompanied symptoms like dizziness, distention headache, ear ringing, irritability, and dream-disturbed sleep.
  • Mulberry mistletoes, achyranthes root, motherwort seed, mulberry leaf, and chrysanthemum (10g for each); gambir vine stem and white alum (30g for each); mulberry twig (20g). Decoct the ingredients to make a herbal solution, and use it to soak the feet. Every time soak for 45-60 minutes, then use the thumb to knead the center of the soles for ten minutes. Seven times as one course. This helps refresh the mind, improve vision, and promote sleep and lower blood pressure.
After bathing, wipe the feet properly, keep warm, raise the feet and rest for 15 to 30 minutes.
Oyster shell Oyster shell Achyranthes root Achyranthes root Mulberry leaf Mulberry leaf

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Herbal Foot Soaking

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