Adding Chinese Food Remedies to Your Diet to Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is common in adults, especially for the middle ages. Bad eating habits make a major contribution to its development. Eating wisely can definitely improve the blood pressure, it also helps to lose weight, promote health and reduce the chance of many diseases. To be frankly, it is hard to keep in a healthiest possible eating and quit those favorite foods. Adding Chinese food remedies to daily meals can be an additional effort to control the blood pressure. Chinese vegetable stall Chinese vegetable stall n Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), food remedies can be simply food dishes or medicinal dishes. Medicinal dishes are specially prepared dishes made from Chinese herbs, food and condiments that in response to the symptoms of an individual or TCM diagnosis. Food cures have been practiced in China for a long history. Many TCM classics have special food recipes that aim to prepare for preventing and treating diseases, and even promoting health. The first specialty book about dietary cures of TCM, Principles of Correct Diet, was written in 1330 AD. TCM dietary principles emphasis on eating in appropriate amount and balanced flavors, the daily diet should be included a variety of food selections and planned according to individual body constitutions, health needs as well as environmental changes. For example, people with a yang deficiency constitution are sensitive to coldness, it is proper to consume warming dishes; people with a cold have better add pungent foods such as ginger or onion in their dishes; people with fever are suitable to eat cooling foods such as water melon. In southern region of China, the tropical climate makes people tend to accumulate dampness and heat, foods such as coix seed and melons that help induce urination and clear heat are favorable. In eastern cold region of China, people prefer to eat warming foods such as venison and mutton to make their body warmer. Besides eating foods that are rich in nutrients to help lower blood pressure, it is beneficial to consider selecting food and cooking in Chinese way. Chinese food remedies help enhance the overall regulatory functions, minimize blood pressure fluctuations, and soften the blood vessels, and thus reduce the risk of developing complications. Some dietary guidelines for different types of hypertension and the healthy recipes are listed below:  

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Adding Chinese Food Remedies to Your Diet to Lower Blood Pressure

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