Dampness-dispelling Formulae

Dampness is a heavy, sluggish pathogen that leads to disorders processing slowly and lingering inside the body. When it invades the body, there will be sluggishness, tiredness, heavy limbs, a feeling of distention in the head, stiffness and pain in the joints, or limb puffiness. Any bodily discharge tends to be sticky and turbid and the tongue shows a greasy coat. Entry of the pathogen originates in two ways, one is externally contracted from the living environment and the other is transformed by an impaired spleen caused by an improper diet or emotional upset. Furthermore, disturbances in water metabolism can also lead to dampness disorders which cause edema, urinary difficulty and respiratory symptoms.

TCM strategies for dispelling dampness include drying, excreting, facilitating urination and purgation. These formulae are mainly composed of pungent, aromatic, warm substances that dry the dampness or sweat and bland substances that leach out dampness. They should be used carefully in those suffering from body fluid exhaustion, weakness after illness and in pregnant women.

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Dampness-dispelling Formulae

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