Kidneys Store Essence (Jing)

Essence, which is also called "essential qi" or "jing" is considered to be the underpinning of all aspects of organic life. Stored in the kidneys, it is the material basis for all kinds of functional activities and is responsible for human growth and development. In fact, kidney essence is what makes up our human vitality. The stored essence is comprised of congenital essence (also called congenital jing) and acquired essence (also called acquired jing).

Congenital essence

Congenital essence originates from the kidney itself and is made from the sexual energies of the parents when they procreate. Thus, "congenital essence" forms the basis for prenatal growth in the womb and nourishes the developing embryo and fetus. It also determines the constitution and characteristics a person will have throughout their life. After birth, congenital essence is stored in the kidneys and is nourished by acquired essence. It gradually becomes the material for body development and reproduction. Thus it also sometimes referred to as "reproductive jing."

Acquired essence

Acquired essence is often called the "essence of the organs" because this essence originates from them. It is obtained from ingested foods and fluids through the action of the stomach and spleen. The digested food and fluids are first transformed into nutrient substances in the stomach, and then further transformed into nutrient essence by the spleen. This nutrient essence or acquired jing is mainly responsible for irrigating and nourishing the organs so they can maintain their daily functions. Extra-acquired jing that is not being used is stored in the kidneys and can be used for nourishing the organs on demand. This process results in acquired essence being repeatedly replaced in the kidney; the extra essence is stored, sent out as required, and then replaced by new essence.

Click to understand the functions of kidney essence 

Although two types of essence are from different sources, they mutually depend on each other in order to function properly. Congenital essence acts as the material basis for the body to produce acquired essence. This is sometimes referred to as "congenital jing creating acquired jing." While acquired essence nourishes and supports the congenital type constantly, which is referred to as "acquired jing providing congenital jing". Most often, the two types are collectively referred to as "kidney essence" since their functions and origins depend on one another and cannot exist independently.

Formation of acquired essence (jing)
Formation of acquired essence (jing)

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Kidneys Store Essence (Jing)

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