Water Cures in Ancient China

Water is the source of every thing on earth, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) uses it as an important ingredient for healing. The well-known pharmacopoeia, Compendium of Materia Medica, which has made water as one of the major ingredient categories and classified water into different types. The ancient Chinese held that water could exert diverse effects according to its source, for example:

Rain water Rain water collected in spring is suitable for preparing qi tonifying decoctions; rain water collected in summer is suitable for washing skin sores, eliminating scars and brewing; rain water collected in winter help get rid of parasites, and promote digestive process.
Dew water in autumn Dew water collected in autumn is good for decocting herbs for nourishing lungs and resolving skin sores; it also has a particular effect based on the source of collection, e.g. dew collected from flowers can be used to enhance the complexion, while collected from oriental arborvitae leafy-twig and acorus is beneficial to vision.
Frost water in winter This water has a cold nature, and thus counteracts conditions caused by excessive heat, such as over-indulgence in alcohol, nasal congestion, heat rash and sores in armpit.
Snow water in deep winter This water is very cold in nature; it can be used as an antidote for many feverish conditions.
Ice water in summer The coldness helps to expel summer heat and quench thirst
Running water from nature Natural Flowing river water is suitable for making decoctions for extremity conditions and promoting urination and bowel movements. When the water is flowing in an upstream direction or against the current, then it is beneficial for stroke, lightheadedness and headache and throat problems.
Well water This water is suitable for stopping diarrhea caused by damp-heat, washing eyes, refreshing breath and calming down. It is also good for preparing yin tonifying decoctions.
Hot spring This water is pungent and hot in nature, and not suitable to drink; bathing in it is beneficial for skin problems, hair loss, spasms and other muscular and joint problems.
Sea water This water is salty and mildly warm in nature, and is not suitable for drinking; it can relieve itchiness if used for a hot bath. It can also be as an emetic in case of poisoning.
Rice steam This water has a lubricating effect.

waterfallThe tradition of water cures occurs in many cultures. As washing and cleaning became a routine sanitary procedure, bathing turned into a kind of rejuvenating activity and various types evolved, including immersion in hot springs, saunas, douches, and herbal baths. Ancient people discovered that certain bathing methods were beneficial for particular conditions. In TCM understanding, water can open the pores of the skin, expel accumulated wastes, promote blood and qi (vital energy) flows, free the tendons and joints, refresh the spirit and harmonize the body's yin and yang. Generally, a hot bath (above 38℃) quiets or soothes the body by slowing down the activity of the internal organs, and helps to relieve tense muscles and anxiety from stress. On the other hand, if you are feeling tired and stressed, you might try a warm (36 to 38℃) bath or shower and then followed by a short cold shower, as the cold helps to stimulate internal activity as well as the mind.

It is well accepted that bathing can be a remedy for healing or health maintenance. TCM physicians applied water cures as external remedies when they treated patients and usually in conjunction with other approaches like heat compresses, soaking and massage. When a particular bathing method is used as remedy for a particular health condition or to promote health, there are specific details for the procedure. A number of these techniques can be done at home; they are some of the cheapest and safest remedies for many common ailments.

In Chinese culture, baths are not just for sanitary reasons but also an integral part of rituals. There are historical records that early in the Shang and Zhou periods, emperors had to follow three days of vegetarian eating, then wash their bodies and change their clothes before ceremonies or on important occasions like enthronements, success in battle or sacrifices. Even in modern times, bathing still remains a special Chinese custom; special herbs are used to bathe on Chinese New Year Eve, this signifies that the bad luck is washed away and ensure a brand new start for the coming year.  

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Water Cures in Ancient China

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