Massage to Relieve Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is due to a hypersensitivity reaction in the nasal mucous membranes that individuals are sensitive to certain antigens. In TCM understanding, the lungs open into the nose; nasal functions mainly depend on the actions of lungs. A free movement of lung qi keeps the nasal passages clean, efficient respiration and a sharp sense of smelling.

For individuals with allergic rhinitis, their body tends to be weakened, and their protective qi cannot resist the invading of exogenous evils efficiently. So the allergic attacks are usually resulted from a combination of internal and external factors. Instead of avoiding the allergic triggers, or simply seeking symptomatic relief, TCM treatment also focuses on the internal disharmonies that cause the allergic reactions. For newly developed cases or acute attacks, physicians will aim to resolve the disharmonies and relieve the symptoms; while for chronic or persistent cases, physicians will also aim to invigorate organ functioning, and replenish the fundamental substances of the body, so as to reduce the frequency of attacks.

Chinese Massage helps enhance internal organs, activate blood and qi flowing, clear airway passages, and strengthen the nasal membranes.

  1. Thumb-knead the depressions below the occipital bone (Gb 20), the bottom of skull, 30 times;
  2. Use fingertips to knead the upper back of opposite side, about the level of 2nd thoracic vertebra (Bl 12), 30 times each side;
  3. Thumb-knead the temples, 30 times;
  4. Use middle fingertip to knead at the midpoint between the eyebrows (EX-HN3), 30 times;
  5. Bend the index fingers and use its middle knuckles to press firmly at the middle forehead, then wipe towards the temples, repeat for 30 times;
  6. Rub the hands together to warm them, then cover the forehead with the palms, rub forcefully downward to the chin, and let the palm edges slide along the chin, rub toward the ears, pass thought the temples and to the forehead again. Repeat the procedures 30 times;
  7. Use the middle fingertips to press at the sides of nose (Li 20), and knead for 50 times;
  8. First rub the index or middle fingers together to warm up, and then use them to rub along the nasal grooves, up and down for 30 times;
  9. Use the middle finger to knead the upper back of opposite side, about the level of 3rd thoracic vertebra (Bl 13), 30 times each side;
  10. Make one hand into a half fist and clap the upper back of opposite side, 30 times each side;
  11. Use middle fingertip to knead at the midpoint between the two nipples (Rn 17, tan zhong), 30 times;
  12. Use fingertips to knead at the root of neck (Du 14), 30 times;
  13. Nip and grasp at the middle of palm web between thumb and index finger (Li 4), 30 times each hand.

The above are the basic message steps of allergic rhinitis. Some other steps are added for individuals with the following conditions:

Sallow complexion, poor appetite, abdominal distention, fatigue, limb weakness and loose bowels 

  1. Use the fingertips to knead at the sides of lower chest spine (Bl 20, 21), 30 times;
  2. Cross the hands and place on the upper abdomen, rub in circular motion over the area, 30 times;
  3. Cross the hands and place below the navel, rub in circular motion over the area, 30 times;
  4. Use the thumb to knead at 1-finger-breadth below the anterior crest of each tibia (St 36), 30 times;
  5. Keep the toes extend straight or lift the heel, and knead at the lower end of contracted calf muscles (Bl 57), 30 times on each leg;
  6. Use the thumb to knead at 3-finger-breadth above the inner malleolus of each ankle (Sp 6), 30 times.

Dizziness, ear ringing, lumbar and knee soreness, sensitivity to low temperatures, frequent urination and seminal emission 

  1. Clench fists and use the knuckles to beat on the lumbar spine first, and then knead firmly along the sides of the lumbar spine, 30 times for each;
  2. Use the middle fingertip to strike along the midline of the pelvic front, 60 times;
  3. Cross the hands and place below the navel, rub in circular motion over the area, 30 times;
  4. Use the thumb to knead at 3-finger-breadth above the inner malleolus of each ankle (Sp 6), 30 times;
  5. Use the thumb to knead at the depressions behind the inner ankle malleolus of each ankle (Ki 3), 30 times on each foot.

Massage steps to relieve allergic rhinitis Massage to relieve allergic rhinitis  

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Massage to Relieve Allergic Rhinitis

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