Arrest Hiccups Acupressure

Hiccups are brief and involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle. Many conditions can induce this irritation, such as eating too fast and swallowing air, chewing gum, smoking, eating or drinking too much, some medications, anxiety and stress. The prognosis for hiccups is good, which usually stop by itself without lingering effect. There are numerous home remedies to get rid of hiccups. Acupressure techniques below help reverse abnormal qi flow in the stomach, release the intense state of diaphragm, and stop hiccups.
  1. Use the fingertips to knead at the center of chest bone, tan zhong (Rn 17), about 30 times;
  2. Use the fingertips to knead at the center of upper abdomen, zhong wan (Rn 12), about 30 times;
  3. Use the fingertips to knead at zhang men (Lr 13, just below the free end of eleventh rib), about 30 times;
  4. Use the fingertips to knead at the upper notch of chest bone, tian tu (Rn 22), about 30 times;
  5. Cross the hands and use the palms to rub the upper and lower abdomen respectively, rub in circular motion for 30 times each;
  6. Use the fingertips to wipe along the chest bone forcefully, up and down about 30 times;
  7. Use the fingertips to knead at the sides of the lower back, next to thoracic spine, pi shu & wei shu (Bl 20, Bl 21), about 30 times;
  8. Use the thumb to knead at nei guan (Pc 6, 2-finger-breadth above the middle of the wrist line), 30 times each side;
  9. Nip and grasp at he gu (Li 4, middle of palm web between thumb and index finger), about 30 times each hand;
  10. Use the thumbs to knead at zu san li (St 36, 1-finger-breadth below the anterior crest of tibia), 30 times each leg;
  11. Clap the crown for 15 times.
When kneading or pressing on particular points, there should be enough force to bring about numbness or soreness feeling, while rubbing or wiping should create a feeling of warmth. Acupressure for relieving hiccups Acupressure for relieving hiccups  

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Arrest Hiccups Acupressure

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