Yin Deficiency of Both Liver and Kidney

Manifestations: hypertension, sometimes there may be dizziness, blurred vision, headache, ear ringing, warm palms and soles, dry eyes, insomnia, lumbar and knee weakness, limb numbness, night frequency, a red tongue, and the pulse is taut and rapid. TCM dietary suggestions: nourish kidney and liver, replenish yin and distinguish internal wind This type of hypertension should eat more foods that have cooling and lubricating properties, such as lean meat, duck meat, fish, preserved jellyfish, sea cucumber, dried mussel, dairy products, mung bean, wax gourd, sesame, lily bulb, smoked plum, glutinous rice, honey, bean curd, sugar cane, water chestnut, and white fungus. Deep fried, hot property or heavily spiced foods can further aggravate the body condition, foods such as mutton, Chinese chives, hot pepper, ginger, and leek should be limited. Fresh mulberry
Fresh kudzu root Fresh kudzu root Fresh mulberry Fresh mulberry Fresh lily bulb Fresh lily bulb

Siberian solomonseal rhizome, rhemannia rhizome and pork backbone soup

Ingredients Siberian solomonseal rhizome (6g), processed rhemannia rhizome (6g), pork backbones (300g, chop into 3cm length), ginger (2 slice)
Preparing method Blanch the bones for a few minutes and drain; bring a saucepan of 1000ml water to the boil, put in the bones, herbs and ginger, and simmer under low heat for two hours, then season to taste with salt and pepper. Drink the soup, which can serve for 2 to 3 times
Health benefits The soup ingredients nourish the organs and facilitate the body to regulate the blood pressure, drinking regularly helps keep the blood pressure under control

Kudzu root porridge

Ingredients Kudzu root powder (30g) and rice (50g)
Preparing method Cook the kudzu root and rice with 700ml of water, bring to a boil first, then simmer under low heat, when the liquid turns thick, turn off the heat. Serve warm in the morning or evening
Health benefits Kudzu root clears heat, promotes body fluid production, quenches thirst, recedes rashes, stops diarrhea and reduces blood pressure

Mulberry syrup 

Ingredients Fresh mulberry (1000g), rock sugar (150g), and honey (350g)
Preparing method Wash the mulberry thoroughly, put in a deep saucepan, add in about the half volume of water, bring to a boil, smash the berries and add in the rock sugar, lower the heat and simmer until the juice turns thick, turn of the heat and drain the juice into another pan; mix with the honey, bring the syrup to a boil and turn heat to medium low to cook for 20 minutes, stir it constantly so that it doesn't stick or burn on the bottom, let it cool and then pour in a container and put in the refrigerator. Finish the syrup in 2 weeks; each time eats 2 tablespoons, twice a day
Health benefits Mulberry nourishes liver and kidney, and replenishes qi (vital energy) and blood

Tall gastrodia tuber and turtle fish soup

Ingredients One soft-shelled turtle fish (about 450g), tall gastrodia tuber (5g), ham (20g), ginger slices (5 pieces)
Preparing method Chop the fish into big pieces, remove the outer membrane, head and paws, blanch in boiling water and drain, marinate with rice wine, soy sauce, and pepper; prepare a double steam container, add in the fish, herb, ham and ginger, cook for 90 minutes under high heat, season to taste. Serve warm, drink the soup and eat the meat
Health benefits This recipe soothes the liver, nourishes yin, replenishes blood and essence, and invigorates the kidney, which are very suitable for older people with hypertension and heart problem

Dried mussel and preserved duck egg porridge

Ingredients Dried mussel (10g), one preserved duck egg and rice (50g)
Preparing method Wash and soak the mussel with water thoroughly; peel the egg and cut in pieces; put all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook with 1000ml of water, simmer until the liquid turns thick. Serve warm in the morning or evening
Health benefits This porridge nourishes the liver and kidney, calms the heart and cools down the body, which are suitable for those with hypertension, ear ringing, dizziness and swelling gum

Fleeceflower root and celery porridge

Ingredients Fleeceflower root (9g), Chinese celery (50g), pork mince (25g), and rice (60g)
Preparing method Wash the fleeceflower root, decoct with 200ml of water to make a thick juice; cut the celery finely; marinate the pork mince with sesame oil, soy sauce, sugar and cornstarch; cook the rice with 700ml of water, bring to a boil first and then simmer until the liquid turns thick; turn to high heat, add in the herbal juice, celery and pork mince, stir and cook for 20 minutes more, season to taste. Serve warm in the morning or evening
Health benefits The porridge invigorates the liver and kidney, replenishes blood and essence, which help lower blood pressure and lipids

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Yin Deficiency of Both Liver and Kidney

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