Upper Limb Massage

Massage techniques that concentrate on some body points of the upper limbs can relax muscles, relieve fatigue and enhance joint flexibility, which are beneficial to reduce occupational trauma of upper limbs.
  1. Origins of pectoral muscles: use the thumb to press and knead the armpit front area, 20 times on each side; this should create a soreness feeling.
  2. Shoulder joints: use the middle fingertip to press and knead at the very top of upper arm (where it meets the shoulder socket, Li15), 20 times on each side.
  3. Shoulder muscles: use the middle fingertip to press and knead the middle shoulder back (Gb21), 20 times on each side, rotate the shoulder joint while kneading, this should create a soreness feeling.
  4. Elbows: one hand hold the elbow, and use the thumb to press and knead around the elbow, especially on the acupoints qu chi (Li11), shou san li (Li10), chi ze (Lu5) & qu ze (Pc3), 20 times on each side.
  5. Elbow bony process: make one arm across the chest, use the index and middle fingers of other hand to stir on the sides of elbow bony process; this will create a tingling sensation.
  6. Arms: use one hand to push and rub another arm, from shoulder to hand, back side and front side, for about 10〜20 times each side. Then rub along the running of upper arm meridians, that starts from the hand back, towards the outer shoulder, turn to shoulder front, and down to the inner wrist), rub for 30 times on each arm.
  7. Hands: rub the hands, palm to palm for 20 times, and then palm to hand back for 40 times, gradually faster and should create a warm feeling.
  8. Knuckles: use the thumb and index fingers to twirl the knuckles of other hand, twirl on each fingers.
  9. Fingers: keep the upper body straight, shoulder drop, slightly bend the elbow and wrist joints, then curl the fingers and make scratching motions.
Massage to promote the upper limbs Massage to promote the upper limbs  

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Upper Limb Massage

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