Twelve Regular Meridians

The twelve regular meridians make up the major framework of the meridian system. They distribute symmetrically on both sides of the body and are paired with corresponding internal organs. TCM groups the meridians under arm, leg, yin and yang.

Arm / Leg Distribution Yang / Yin The Twelve Regular Meridians Order of flow
Arm Yin aspect of the body: starts from the chest, runs along the front arm to the hand Greater Yin (tai yin) Lung Meridian (Lu) 1
Absolute Yin (jue yin) Pericardium Meridian (Pc) 9
Lesser Yin (shao yin) Heart Meridian (Ht) 5
Yang aspect of the body: starts from the hand, run along the back arm to the head Brightness Yang (yang ming) Large Intestine Meridian (Li) 2
Lesser Yang (shao yang) Triple Burner Meridian (Sj) 10
Greater Yang (tai yang) Small Intestine Meridian (Si) 6
Leg Yang aspect of the body: starts from head, runs across the trunk, and along the front, lateral and back sides of leg to the foot Brightness Yang (yang ming) Stomach Meridian (St) 3
Lesser Yang (shao yang) Gallbladder Meridian (Gb) 11
Greater Yang (tai yang) Bladder Meridian (Bl) 7
Yin aspect of the body: starts from the foot, runs along the inner side of leg, cross the front chest and abdomen to the head Greater Yin (tai yin) Spleen Meridian (Sp) 4
Absolute Yin (jue yin) Liver Meridian (Lr) 12
Lesser Yin (shao yin) Kidney Meridian (Ki) 8

The order and arrangement of the twelve regular meridians result in particular ways of communication inside the body, TCM uses Yin/Yang characteristics to distinguish and understand the pattern of meridian flow. All the twelve meridians run through the limbs, they enter the body to connect with corresponding organs, and also paired to create an interior and exterior relationship. For example, the lung meridian (greater yin of arm) and the large intestine meridian (brightness yang of arm) are paired based on their pathways, and clinically they are closely communicated; problems in the lung or its meridian can also be treated by using various points on the larger intestine meridian. Furthermore, the arm and leg meridians of the same yin/yang names are also related. For example, problems in the lung or its meridian (greater yin of arm) can be treated by using various points on its communication partner the spleen meridian (greater yin of leg), in addition with  the ones on the lung meridian.

Six Yin Meridians Six Yin Meridians Six Yang Meridians Six Yang Meridians

The Order and Arrangement of the 12 Regular Meridians

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