Chinese External Herbal Remedies for Hypertension

Hypertension is a worldwide health problem, and the numbers are still growing. This “silent killer” often causes no symptoms, people tend to neglect it until some bad complications develop, including heart attack, stroke or eyesight problem. We must change the attitudes towards hypertension, that recognize the importance and potential benefits of aggressive treatment for it. Antihypertensive medications are now effective and affordable to help control blood pressure. While lifestyle changes such as being active, heart-healthy diet and nutrition, and losing weight are the basic for long-term management, there are still more we can do to keep the blood pressure in a safe range. Acupoints and meridians of the body Acupoints and meridians of the body

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the meridian system provides the distribution channels for fundamental substances, they branch out collaterals that further connect and network the entire body. The functions of the twelve regular meridians are reflected as skin segments on the superficial body, in addition, numerous acu-points are located on the skin that facilitate qi (vital energy) to spread and gather. Clinically, external or tropical TCM therapies such as herbal washing, hot compresses, herbal dressings and moxibustion are based on this principle that target on selected body surface to achieve a therapeutic result.

As TCM external remedies may take time to see the results, it is better to be part of comprehensive management plan for hypertension.  

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Chinese External Herbal Remedies for Hypertension

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