Tonic formulae enrich, augment, nourish or replenish the qi (vital energy), blood, yin or yang of the body when they become deficient or weak.

In TCM, deficient conditions usually result when the body has developed a depletion of fundamental substances or under-functioning of organs, TCM tonifying methods are used to overcome this particular deficiency inside the body. As conditions can vary according to the cause, degree of severity, and organs involved, tonic formulae are further categorized in different types, such as tonify the qi, tonify the blood, tonify both qi and blood, tonify yin and tonify yang. It is important to first address the underlying deficiency before applying the appropriate tonic in order to obtain the maximum benefit. Some typical deficient signs are:

Qi deficiencybreath shortness, feeble voice, general weakness, dizziness, blurred vision, aversion to cold, sweating, paleness, catching cold and flu easily, pale tongue and deficient pulse;

Blood deficiency: pale or sallow complexion, paleness in lips and nails, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, sleep difficulty, spiritual fatigue, general weakness, limb numbness or cramps, skin dryness, withered hair, and abnormal menstruation;

Yin deficiency: thin body, lumbar and knee soreness, seminal emission, night sweats, dizziness, blurred vision, ear ringing or poor hearing, irritability, sleep difficulty, and constipation;

Yang deficiency: this usually refers to kidney yang deficiency, the symptoms include aversion to cold, limb coldness, cold pain in the lumbar and knee, impotence, seminal emission , scanty urine and puffiness.

Since tonic formulae tend to disturb the digestion and absorption, and even bring some undesirable results to the body, for those who are weak in gastrointestinal functions, they should use these remedies with caution. Certain herbs that can invigorate the spleen, harmonize the stomach, promote qi circulation and intestinal transmission may need to add in the remedies, so as to protect the normal spleen and stomach functioning, and ensure the efficacy.

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