Introduction to Obesity and Weight Loss

Advertising billboards and television bombard us with images depicting the current desirable body shape. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), good health consists of the body's systems acting in harmony according to the individual's constitution. If all is working well, there will not be any weight problem. People are considered obese if they weigh 20 percent or more above average for their height and build. People are considered obese if they weigh 20 percent or more above average for their height and build. Obesity is defined as "increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat." People are considered obese if they weigh 20 percent or more above average for their height and build. A morbidly obese person is one who weighs two or more times their ideal body weight. It is a life-threatening condition. The Western view of obesity is that it is primarily caused by excessive consumption of food without a corresponding amount of exercise. The capacity of the body to store protein and carbohydrate is limited; thus excess food (calories) in any form is converted into fat and stored. However, sometimes organic disease will cause a body to gain weight abnormally. This is why it is important to have a thorough physical examination before undertaking any treatment that will involve weight loss.  

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Introduction to Obesity and Weight Loss

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