Medicinal hot compress

This was called "hot ironing therapy" in ancient times, which involves applying a hot compress over the body surface and with techniques like pushing, rubbing and pressing for treating diseases. TCM claims that the therapy stimulates the communication of the striae, regulates the meridians and promotes the flow of blood and qi. Medicinal hot compress is effective for conditions caused by excessive cold or dampness pathogens, qi stagnation, blood stasis, and weakened organs.

There are two ways to compress: either using a wet cloth soaked with herbal decoction or using a dry herbal pack. For a dry compress, first choose a prescription according to individual condition, grind the ingredients slightly, place in a cloth bag and bind up tightly, then heat up the herbal pack and use it to press, push or rub the area to be treated. For a web compress, decoct the herbs and use a folded piece of material, bandage or small towel, to soak up the warm solution, and then place over the area for a period of time. Replace with a new compress as soon as it has cooled to body temperature. The web compress is often used as a prelude to massage therapy.

Medicinal hot compress for headaches


  • Atractylodes rhizome (30g), notopterygium root (30g), processed alum (10g), and fresh green onion stalk (15g). Pound and mix the first three ingredients, fry to heat up, add in the fresh green onion and pound slightly, place the mixture in a cloth bag and bind up tightly, then put the herbal pack on the belly button and cover it with both hands. Apply for 20 minutes, once a day.
  • Angelica root, Sichuan lovage, Dahurian angelica root, dried tangerine peel, atractylodes rhizome, magnolia bark, pinellia tuber, ephedra, bitter orange and platycodon root, prepare 20g for each. Dried ginger, cassia twig and medicinal evodia fruits, 10g for each; and liquorice root 5g. Grind the ingredients slightly, place in a cloth bag and heat it up. Use the hot compress to press the head and neck, and the sides of upper backbone, back and forth for 20-30 minutes, then leave it on the belly button for 20 minutes. Reheat the compress when it has cooled. Apply once a day.

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Medicinal hot compress

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