Urinary and Vaginal Changes

After the cessation of menstrual periods, the low level of estrogen fails to maintain the normal functioning in the skin and mucous linings, the tissues become thinner, drier and less elastic. Women may feel that the vagina is less lubricated and so suffer from vaginal itching, discharges and painful intercourse. On the other hand, the shrinking of the bladder lining makes them more prone to have stress or urge incontinence as well as increased susceptibility to infections.

In TCM, the storage and excretion of urine is related to the bladder, but it also depends on the kidneys' vaporization function for proper functioning. Disorders involving the bladder such as incontinence and frequent urination are the result of the kidney's inability to carry out the vaporization function.

In TCM, the vagina belongs to part of the genitalia and is mainly supported by the spleen and kidney. It also depends on the Conception Vessel and Girdling Vessel to maintain a clean and moist environment. Vaginal itchiness or discharge may due to the following disharmonies:

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Urinary and Vaginal Changes

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