Among the points with special therapeutic effects, there are six points on the legs, where qi (vital energy) from the six fu organs travel downward and gather in the six locations on the yang meridians around the knee regions. They enhance the communications between the three yang meridians of the arms and the three yang meridians of the legs; they are the major points for diseases of the six yang organs.

Table of the Lower Sea points of the Six Yang Organs

Fu Organs Lower Sea Points on the legs Suggested indications
Stomach zu san li (St 36) Stomachache
Small intestine xia ju xu (St 39) Dysentery and appendicitis
Large intestine shang ju xu (St 37) Intestinal infection or abscess
Gallbladder yang ling quan (Gb 34) Abdominal colic
Triple burner wei yang (Bl 39) Urinary difficulties 
Bladder wei zhong (Bl 40) Urinary difficulties
The Lower Sea Points The Lower Sea Points

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