What are the different body constitutions in TCM ?

The constitution of each person is influenced by congenital and acquired factors, and this varies from person to person. In the other words, the body's metabolism, functions and structures of internal organs are all combined to determine our susceptibility to pathogenic factors. This understanding becomes an important rule for TCM physicians to do clinical evaluation and treatment. Body constitution is also important for daily health rontine of people, especially when planning their diet and meals. 

There are five basic types of constitutions: neutral, yin and cold, yang and hot, phlegm and dampness, and dry.

  • Yang and hot type
img_07Individuals have a sturdy physique and with a loud voice. They often feel hot, experience mouth dryness easily, prefer cold drinks when thirsty, have a reddish complexion, are easily annoyed, and tend to suffer from insomnia. They usually discharge scanty urine of a yellowish color, and have hard stools. Upon examination of the tongue, it appears red with a yellowish coating, or may have no coating at all. Such individuals are very sensitive to high temperatures.

  • Yin and cold type
img_08Individuals have a frail physique. They usually feel cold, aversion to wind blowing, and their limbs are cold. They prefer hot or warm food and drinks, a feeble voice, get tired easily and have a pale or whitish complexion. They usually discharge clear urine frequently, stools are soft, and tend to suffer from diarrhea easily. Upon examination of the tongue, it appears pink and bulky with a whitish coating. Such individuals are very sensitive to cold temperatures.

  • Phlegm and damp type
img_09A person of this constitution perfers sweet food. They often experience heaviness in the head or body, and spirital fatigue easily. They look fatigued and sleepy in day time, and snore easily during sleep. Such people have a low metabolic rate, so they tend to be overweight or bloated due to retention of body fluid. The person may look fat but is drained of energy. The tongue looks moist and bulky, and is covered with a greasy or thick coating. Such people are very sensitive to humid weather.

  • Dry type
img_10Individuals belonging to this constitution feel thirsty easily and experience dryness in the eyes, throat, lips and skin. When common flu is prevalent, they will usually have a dry cough. Such people tend to underweight and hard to put on weight. Their common complaints are skin itchiness, dried nose or eyes, and constipation - all due to inadequate body fluids for lubrication. They are very sensitive to low levels of humidity.

  • Neutral type
img_11This type of person does not have any of the above complaints. They look healthy with normal skin color. They have proper appetite and sleep, and do not feel hot or cold easily. Their urine and stools are normal. The tongue is normal upon examination.

It should be noted that in reality people usually have a mixed body constitution, for example, cold and dry, damp and hot, or cold and deficient. Therefore, it is difficult to classify one type individually as more than one type of constitution may be present.

When planning for a diet to promote health, it is necessary to mix different flavors and energies of foods according to the health needs of individuals. Embracing Chinese dietary advice is a process to shift to a more balanced diet. It does not mean you should restrict your diet; you may give up some foods but you will find a whole variety of foods you may have never tried before.

  1. Chinese System of Food Cures Prevention & Remedies by Henry C. Lu.Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. 1986.
  2. The Tao of Food, Richard Craze and Ronifjay, 1999 Godsfield Press.
  3. Chinese Food: a Holistic Therapy by Tom Neuhaus, www.hopedance.org
  4. Medicinal Food in China by Junshi Chen, M.D. http://newcenturynutrition.com
  5. Cooling the Summer with Food: An Introduction to Medicinal Foods by Yanfang Wang, M.D., Ph.D. http://newcenturynutrition.com

Written By:
Dang Yi (黨毅) MD PhD
Professor, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine;
Visiting Professor, Middlesex University, London, UK;
Vice Director, Gourmet Food Institute of Health Care and Nutrition of Beijing, PRC.

Raka Dewan, Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd.
Rose Tse, Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd.

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What are the different body constitutions in TCM ?

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