Principles for TCM Diagnosis

This section is about the theories, methods and techniques of diagnosis used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Syndrome differentiation is the method of recognizing and diagnosing diseases or body imbalances, physicians collect and analyze clinical information on the basis of the four examination skills. There are several methods of syndrome differentiation, TCM physicians select them based on the types of diseases.

What Is TCM Diagnostics?
How Physician Identify a Syndrome / Disharmony Pattern
Eight Principles Differentiation

Exterior & interior | Cold & heat | Deficiency & excess | Yin & yang

Syndrome Differentiation Zang-fu Organs

Dishamony of heart & small intestine 
Disharmony of liver & gall bladder
Disharmony of spleen & stomach
Disharmony of lung & large intestine
Disharmony of kidney & bladder

Differentiation of Twelve Regular Meridians

Differentiation According to Six Meridians

Differentiation According to Four Phases

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Principles for TCM Diagnosis

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