Exterior-relieving Formulae

These formulae treat disharmony patterns in the superficial portion of the body through the actions of inducing sweating, releasing muscles or promoting eruption. In TCM, the body surface forms the first barrier against the invasion of exogenous pathogens, and is mainly dominated by the lung and bladder meridians. When exogenous pathogens first attack the body, a so called "exterior syndrome" develops, indicating a conflict between the pathogens and the protective qi on superficial body. The typical signs are chills, fever, headache, neck stiffness, generalized aching and a floating pulse, however people can present various other symptoms.  TCM strategy aims to to dispel the pathogens from the exterior and prevent it going deeper into the body, the exterior relieving remedies are usually classified as warm, cool and supporting types.

In the formulae, the monarch herbs are often pungent in flavor, dispersing, light, and disseminating in natures, which can induce sweating and release the exterior tissues. The remedies are indicated for wind and coldness attacks, or early stage of febrile diseases. Some of the herbs have additional effects, such as promoting the lung functioning and regulating water metabolism, thus they can also treat mild swelling, cough, asthma, joint pain, early stage measles, malaria, dysentery and upper respiratory symptoms.

Exterior-relieving remedies should avoid be over-cooked, they are usually prepared by fifteen minutes under brisk fire. After taking the herbal solutions, individuals should avoid wind blowing and stay warm, and may need to put on more clothing to promote a mild sweating. One the other hand, too much sweating should be alert, as it can easily deplete the body, causing further exhaustion of body fluids and yang qi.

Exterior-relieving remedies are not indicated for interior syndromes, fully erupted measles, bursted skin ulcers or abscesses, swelling due to intern weakness, severe diarrhea or vomiting, sweating conditions,  and during recovery after feverish conditions.  They should also be prescribed carefully for the elderly, pregnant women and other weak conditions.


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