Purgative Formulae

These formulae break down the interior accumulations through vigorous evacuation of the bowels. In TCM, purgation therapy is not only used as laxatives for relieving intestinal stagnancy, but also for removing pathogenic heat, fire, toxins and even retained fluids that caused various interior excess syndromes. Individuals usually present with fullness, distention and pain in the gastric and abdominal regions, constipation, poor appetite and a thick tongue coating.

In the formulae, the main ingredients stimulate or lubricate the large intestine to promote bowel movement. With the exception of those moistening and lubricating formulae, they generally have a drastic effect and can easily damage stomach functioning and drain excessive body fluids. Therefore the purgative formulae should be stopped once they take effect; these cannot be used for long-term consumption and have to be carefully used in the weakened individuals. The formulae should also not be used when there is an syndromes of exterior. Greasy or foods that difficult to digest should not be eaten while taking these formulae.


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Purgative Formulae

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