Basic Techniques of Chinese Massage Therapy
Compression techniques
This includes motions like pressing, pointing, nipping, stepping and twisting that direct apply pressure by the fingers, palms or other part of the limbs. For example, fingernail nipping on the groove between the nose and lip is used to regain consciousness from syncope or coma, while pressing back and forth with finger tips along the tendons is used to alleviate muscle spasm. The techniques are usually used for relieving muscular stiffness, removing blockages and promoting circulation.

Swing techniques
This includes finger-pushing, rolling and kneading that stresses a coordinated action of the elbow, which makes the applied pressure act on the selected region for some time. "Pushing with One-finger Meditation" is a common technique in TCM massage; the therapist uses the thumb to push and rotate forward along a selected meridian, the swing frequency is usually up to 120〜160 times per minute. Rolling refers to rotating the back of the hand rapidly back and forth over the body surface.

Friction techniques
This includes rubbing, gilding, pushing and wiping, all of which create heat on the body surface and enhance the circulation underneath. Gentle and rhythmic small circular movements made with the palm or fingers over the skin, which is usually used for abdominal problems; gross scrubbing motions are usually applied to the chest, back and limbs and helps to stimulate or activate a larger area.

Vibration techniques
This includes rapidly vibrating, shaking or rocking a selected region to create a constant force, so as to remove stagnation, resume qi movement, release tensions and promote gastro-intestinal functioning. Massage therapists usually apply digital-shaking on the head and chest regions for relaxation in athletes, or relieve problems like insomnia, poor memory or bowel disorders. Limb-shaking is usually applied after twisting the muscles at the end of manipulations.

Percussion techniques
To clap, strike, tap or knock the body surface with hands or tools. These techniques are usually used to ease muscular pain, numbness, spasm and headache. Fist striking is used on the back; palm patting is used on the crown of the head, waist, hip and limbs, while finger tapping is used on the head, chest and abdominal regions.

Pinching and grasping techniques
This includes the rhythmic picking up and squeezing of the soft tissues while holding, twisting, kneading or pinching with the operator's fingers. The techniques are mainly applied to regions that anchor ligaments and tendons. For example, grasping the shoulder helps to resume the flow of qi in the chest.

Joint manipulations
This includes rotating, pulling, extending and contracting actions with the body part along its axis, which helps to increase range of joint motion, and promote flexibility of the limbs and spine.

In applications, standard massage plans are primarily composed of the above techniques, with specific force, frequency, moving direction and duration that are designed according to the particular conditions. A proficient massage therapist has to undergo extensive training and practice to master a variety of massage techniques.