Herbal Prescriptions for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

For the Chinese, syndrome-based prescriptions are one of the most popular healing approaches. The prescriptions are usually recommended to be taken in decocting form, which are characterized by quick absorption, favorable therapeutic outcomes and few toxic side effects. The ingredients in the decoctions can be modified, increased or decreased on a daily basis, allowing physicians to tailor treatment to the patient's changing conditions and needs. Flexibility is one of the main reasons why the decoction method is still being used as the clinical mainstay after thousands of years.

Below listed some herbal prescriptions for the common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Heart blood deficiency 

Therapeutic aims: nourish blood, replenish qi (vital energy), soothe heart and calm spirit.  
Sample prescription: Liquorice, Wheat & Jujube Decoction plus Heart Nourishing Decoction 
Radix Glycyrrhizae
gan cao
Liquorice root
Fructus Tritici Levis
xiao mai
Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae
da zao
Common jujube fruit
Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae
dan shen
Red sage root
Poria with pini
fu shen
Poria with pine
Semen Ziziphi Spinosae
suan zao ren
sour jujube seed
Semen platycladi
bai zi ren
Chinese arborvitae kernel
Fructus Schisandrae
wu wai zi
Radix Polygalae
yuan zhi
Chinese senega
Medulla junci
deng xin cao
Common rush

In the prescription, the liquorice, wheat and jujube fruit nourish the heart and spleen; the red sage root removes stasis; the poria with spine, sour jujube seed, schisandra, arborvitae kernel and Chinese senega enrich blood and nourish heart; the common rush expels heart fire. The whole combination works together to replenish blood and qi, soothe the heart so as to settle the spirit and maintain calmness.

Fire accumulated in Liver Meridian  

Sample prescription: Free and Easy Wanderer Plus  
Source: A Synopsis of Internal Medicine (nei ke zhai yao)
Radix Bupleuri
chai hu
Bupleurum root
Radix Angelicae Sinensis
dang gui
Angelica root
Radix Paeoniae
bai shao
White peony root
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae
bai shu
Largehead atractylodes rhizome
fu ling
Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata
zhi gan cao
Roasted liquorice root
Crotex Moutan Radicis
dan pi
Peony tree root bark
Fructus Gardeniae
zhi zi
gardenia fruit

In the prescription, bupleurum root serves as the
monarch herb, which soothes the liver and relieve the stagnation; the angelica root and white peony root assist the monarch herb's work by enriching blood and soothing the liver; the atractylodes rhizome, poria and liquorice fortify spleen to replenish qi; the peony root bark clears away heat in the blood; and the gardenia fruit expels the liver heat. The whole combination regulates the menstrual process by dispersing liver stagnation, fortifying the spleen and harmonizing blood flow.

Phlegm and fire stirring upward  

Sample prescription: Warm Gallbladder Decoction  
Source: Treatise on Three Causes of Diseases with Syndromes and Remedies (san yin ji yi bing zheng fang lun)

Rhizoma Pinellae
ban xia
Pinellia tuber
Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam
zhu ru
Bamboo shavings
Fructus Aurantii Immaturus
zhi shi
Immature bitter orange
Citri Grandis Exocarpium
hua ju hong
tomentose pummelo peel
Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens
sheng jiang
Fresh ginger
Radix Glycyrrhizae
gan cao
Liquorice root
fu ling

In the prescription, pinellia tuber brings downward the reserved flow of qi in the stomach and dries dampness to resolve phlegm, the herb serves as monarch herb. Bamboo shavings and bitter organ resolve phlegm and promote qi flow, the two herbs act as the
minister herbs. Tangerine peel regulate thes movement of qi and dries dampness; poria fortifies the spleen to eliminate dampness and stops further phlegm production, the two act as the assistant herbs. The ginger promotes the spleen and stomach while also counteracts the side effects of pinellia tuber; liquorice serves as buffer, the two act as the guide herbs. The whole combiantion regulates qi, resolve phlegm, clear the gallbladder and harmonize the stomach.  

Liquorice, Wheat & Jujube Decoction Four Substances Decoction
Liquorice, Wheat & Jujube Decoction Four Substances Decoction

Liver qi stagnation 

Therapeutic aims: soothe liver, regulate qi flow, unblock collaterals and relieve pain.
Sample prescription: Bupleurum Liver Soothing Powder 
Source: The Complete Works of Zhang Jingyue (jing yue quan shu)

Radix Bupleuri
chai hu
Bupleurum root
Pericarpium citri Reticulatae
chen pi
Tangerine peel
Radix Paeoniae
bai shao
White peony root
Fructus Aurantii
zhi ke
submature bitter orange
Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata
zhi gan cao
Roasted liquorice root
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong
chuan xiong
Sichuan lovage
Rhizoma Cyperi
xiang fu
Nutgrass flatsedge rhizome

In the prescription, bupleurum root soothes the liver to disperse the stagnation, which serves as the monarch herb. The tangerine peel, bitter orange, Sichuna lovage and nutgrass rhizome activate the qi and blood, which are the minister herbs. The white peony assists to smooth the liver; liquorice roots acts as buffer.

Stomach deficiency and phelgm accumulation

Therapeutic aims: fortify stomach, activate blood, dispel phelgm and relieve pain. 
Sample prescription: Four Substances Decoction plus Citrus and Pinellia Decoction (modified) 
Radix Angelicae Sinensis
dang gui
Angelica root
Radix Paeoniae Rubra
chi shao
Red peony root
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong
chuan xiong
Sichuan lovage
Rhizoma Rehmanniae
sheng di
Rhemannia rhizome
Pericarpium citri Reticulatae
chen pi
Tangerine peel
Rhizoma Pinellae
ban xia
Pinellia tuber
Crotex Moutan Radicis
dan pi
Peony tree root bark
fu ling
hai zao
Rhizoma Cyperi
xiang fu
Nutgrass flatsedge rhizome
Flos Carthami
hong hua
Chinese safflower
Radix Glycyrrhizae
gan cao
liquorice root

In the prescription, the tangerine peel, pinellia tuber and poria fortify the stomach to dispel the phlegm. The angelica root, red peony, lovage and safflower activate the blood, remove stasis and smooth the colleterals; the rhemannia and peony root bark cool the blood and relieve the stagnation. The nutgrass rhizome soothes the liver and regulates the flow of qi; seeweed resolves the accumulation. The whole formula has the effect of fortifying the stomach, dispelling phlegm, activating qi and blood circulation, smoothing the meridian system and resolving accumulations inside the body.

Deficiency of blood and qi 

Therapeutic aims: replenish blood and qi (vital energy), nourish orifices and relieve pain. 
Sample prescription: Modified Eight Treasures Decoction 
Source: A Repertory of Traumatology (zheng ti lei yao) 

Radix Angelicae Sinensis
dang gui
Angelica root
Radix Ginseng
ren shen
Radix Paeoniae
bai shao
White peony root
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae
bai shu
Largehead atractylodes root
fu ling
Rhizoma Rehmanniae Praeparatae
shu di
Processed rhemannia root
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong
chuan xiong
Sichuan lovage
Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata
zhi gan cao
Roasted liquorice root

In the prescription, angelica root, Sichuan lovage and white peony nourish and harmonize the blood; rhemannia root invigorates and nourish the liver and kidney; the ginseng, atractylodes root and liquroice root fortify the spleen and replenish qi; the poria invigorates the spleen and heart, and also soothes the spirit. The whole combination promotes sufficient blood and qi flowing to the head region and so relieve headache.  

Yin deficiency and hyperactive liver  

Therapeutic aims: enrich yin, suppress yang, soothe liver and ease pain.  
Sample prescription: Six Rehmannia Pills Plus Wolfberry and Chrysanthemum
Source: Medicine Rank (yi ji) 
Rhizoma Rehmanniae Praeparatae
shu di
Processed rhemannia rhizome
Fructus Corni
shan yu rou
Cornus fruit
Rhizoma Dioscoreae
shan yao
Chinese yam
Rhizoma Alismatis
ze xie
Oriental water plantain
fu ling
Crotex Moutan Radicis
dan pi
Peony tree root bark
Fructus Lycii
gou qi zhi
Wolfberry fruit
Flos Chrysanthemi
ju hua

In the prescription, the rhemannia rhizome acts as the monarch herb, which nourishes kidney yin and replenishes
essence to enhance blood production; the cornus fruit nourish liver and kidney; the Chinese yam reinforces spleen functioning; and wolfberry and chrysanthemun enrich blood and soothe the liver. Since all these ingredients are focused on tonification that may lead to unneccssary effects, thus the water plantain is combined for counteracting the unwanted pathogenic factors. The peony bark and cornus fruit clear liver fire. The poria and Chinese yam induce urination and expel dampness. The whole combination invigorates the liver and kidney, clears liver fire and ease headache.   

Blood stasis obstruction  

Therapeutic aims: activate blood, resolve stasis, smooth collaterals and ease pain. 
Sample prescription: Unblock Orifices and Acitivate Blood Decoction 
Source: Correction of Errors in Medical Circles (yi lin gai cuo) 
Semen Persicae
tao ren
Peach kernel
Flos Carthami
hong hua
Chinese Safflower
Radix Paeoniae Rubra
chi shao
Red peony root
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong
chuan xiong
Sichuan lovage
Bulbus Allii Fistulosi
lao cong
Spring onion
Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens
sheng jiang
Fresh ginger
Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae
da zao
Chinese date
she xiang

In the prescription, the peach kernel and safflower are the monarch herbs for activatng blood circulation. The peony, lovage and dates assist to nourish the blood; spring onion, ginger and musk promote qi flowing between the upper and lower body, so as to activate blood circualtion. The whole combination regulates qi and activate blood, so as to unblock the orifices and relieve headache.

Phlegm and dampness obstructed in middle burner  

Therapeutic aims: dry dampness, resolve phlegm, smooth collaterals and ease pain.  
Sample prescription: Pinellia, Atractylodes and Gastropdia Decoction 
Source: Medicine Comprehended (yix ue xin wu) 
Rhizoma Pinelliae
ban xia
Pinella tuber
Rhizoma Gastrodiae
tian ma
Gastrodia tuber
fu ling
Citri Grandis Exocarpium
ju hong
Tomentose pummelo peel
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae
bai shu
Largehead Atractylodes root
Radix Glycyrrhizae
gan cao
Liquorice root

This is a well-known formula for dizziness and headache due to wind or phlegm influences. In the prescription, the pinella tuber dries dampness and resolves phlegm; the gastrodia tuber resolve phlegm and extinguish wind, both herbs are monarch herbs. The atractylodes root and poria fortify the spleen to expel dampness while the pummelo peel regulates qi movement to facilitate phlegm ewsolving; the liquorice root acts as buffer.

Spleen Deficiency  

Therapeutic aims: replenish blood and qi (vital energy), nourish orifices and relieve pain. 
Sample prescription: Atractylodes Powder plus Poria, Cassia, Atractylodes and Liquorice Decoction 

Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae
bai shu
Largehead Atractylodes root
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong
chuan xiong
Sichuan lovage
Fructus Piperis
hu jiao
Pepper fruit
Cohcha Ostreae
mu li
Oyster shell
fu ling
Ramulus Cinnamomi
gui zhi
Cassia twig
Radix Glycyrrhizae
gan cao
Liquorice root

In the prescription, the atractylodes root invigorates the spleen to drain dampness;  lovage activates the blood and qi; pepper warms the middle burner and stops pain, oyster shell soothes the liver, poria and cassia twig warms the yang to facilitate urination; liquorice acts as buffer.

Kidney Deficiency  

Therapeutic aims: warm kidney, enhance vaporization, promote urination and relieve edema.  
Sample prescription: True Warrior Decoction
Source: Treatise on Cold-induced Diseases (shang han lun) 
fu ling
Radix Paeoniae
bai shao
White peony root
Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae
bai shu
Largehead Atractylodes root
Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens
sheng jiang
Fresh ginger
Radix Aconiti Praeparata
fu zi
Aconite root

This is a classic formula for warming the yang to drain water. Being extremely pungent and hot in nature, the aconite acts as the monarch herb to warm the kidney and strongly enhance its vaporization. The atractylodes root and poria promote the spleen to expel dampness; fresh ginger enahnces lung functioning and warms the middle burner; the three herbs serve as minister herbs. The white peony works as a guide herb.

Qi Stagnation  

Therapeutic aims: regulate qi, remove stagnation, drain dampness and relief edema. 
Sample prescription: Eight Treasures Decoction (modified)
Source: A Synopsis of Female Diseases (ji yin gang mu) 
Radix Angelicae Sinensis
dang gui
Angelica root
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong
chuan xiong
Sichuan lovage
Radix Paeoniae
bai shao
White peony root
Rhizoma Rehmanniae Praeparatae
shu di
Processed rhemannia rhizome
Rhizoma corydalis
yan hu suo
Corydalis rhizome
Fructus Meliae Toosendon
chuan lian zi
Sichuan Chinaberry
Radix Aucklandiae
mu xiang
Costus root
Semen Arecae
bing lang
Betel nut

In the prescription, the first four ingredients nourish and activate blood circulation. The corydalis rhizome removes the blood stagnation, Sichuan chinaberry, costus root and betel nut soothe the liver to regulate the movement of qi. The whole combination promotes blood and qi flow, so as to motivate body fluids redistrubiton and relive puffiness. 

Virtual fire burns mouth  

Therapeutic aims
: nourish yin, and supress fire  
Sample prescription: Rehmannia Pill Plus Anemarrhena and Corktree Bark (modified)  
Source: Golden Mirror of Medicine (yi zong jin jian)  
Rhizoma Rehmanniae Praeparatae
shu di
Processed rhemannia rhizome
Fructus Corni
shan yu rou
Cornus fruit
Rhizoma Dioscoreae
shan yao
Chinese yam
Rhizoma Alismatis
ze xie
Oriental water plantain
fu ling
Crotex Moutan Radicis
dan pi
Peony tree root bark
Rhizoma Anemarrhenae
zhi mu
Cortex Phellodendri
huang bai

In the prescription, a high dosage of rhemannia is used to nourish the kidney yin and replenish the essence. The cornus fruit and anemanrrhena invigorate the liver and kidney to arrest further essence depletion. The Chinese yam promotes the spleen to ensure nourishing sources. The water plantain dispels the turbid dampness; peony bark and phellodendron eliminate excessive fire; proia promotes urination; these four herbs also counteract the side effects of the main ingredients.

Heat Accumulated in Stomach  

Therapeutic aims
: clear stomach and purge fire.  
Sample prescription: Powder for Clearing Heat Above the Diaphram (modified)  
Source: Formulary of the Taiping Welfare Dispensary Bureau (tai ping hui min he ji ju fang)  
Radix et Rhizoma Rhei
da huang
Chinese rhubarb
Natrii Sulfas
mang xiao
Sodium sulfate
Fructus Gardeniae
zhi zi
gardenia fruit
Herba Ephedrae
bo he
Pepper mint
Radix Scutellariae
huang qin
Bacial skullcap
Fructus Forsythiae
lian qiao
Herba Lophatheri
zhu ye
Bamboo leaf
Radix Glycyrrhizae
gan cao
Liquorice root

In the prescription, forsythia is used in high dosage to clear heat and counteract toxics. The bacial skullcap disperses the heat in the chest; gardenia fruit induces the heat throughout the triple burner downwards while rhubarb and sodium sulfate promote bowel movement to expel the heat. Bamboo leaf and peppermint disperse the heat in an upward direction.

Blood Deficiency  

Therapeutic aims: nourish blood, disperse
wind and stop itching.  
Sample prescription: Angelica Root Drink (modified) 
Source: Standards for Diagnosis and Treatment (zheng zhi zhun sheng)  
Radix Angelicae Sinensis
dang gui
Angelica root
Radix Paeoniae
bai shao
White peony root
Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong
chuan xiong
Sichuan lovage
Radix Polygoni Mulitflori
shou wu
Fleece flower root
Radix Astragali seu Hydysari
huang qi
Astragalus root
Spica Schizonepetae
jing jie
Radix Ledebouriellae
fang feng
Ledebouriella root
Fructus Tribuli
bai ji li
Radix Glycyrrhizae
gan cao
Liquorice root

This formula is for heat accumulation due to blood deficiency with a simultaneous attack by wind evils. The first three ingredients act as a blood tonic. Others like fleece flower root, schizonepeta and ledebouriella root expel wind evils; the caltrop disperses the wind in the liver; astragalus and liquorice replenish qi and consolidate the bodily surface to facilitate the elimination of evils.

Wind-heat Accumulated in Skin  

Therapeutic aims
: disperse wind, clear heat and stop itching.  
Sample prescription: Wind Dispersing Powder (modified)  
Source: Orthodox External Medicine (wai ke zheng zong)  

Spica Schizonepetae
jing jie
Radix Ledebouriellae
fang feng
Ledebouriella root
Fructus Arctii
niu bang zi
Arctium fruit
Periostracum Cicadae
chan tui
Cicada slough
Rhizoma Atractylodis
cang zhu
Atractylodes rhizome
Radix Sophorae Flavescentis
ku shen
Flavescent sophora root
Gypsum Fibrosum
shi gao
Rhizoma Anemarrhenae
zhi mu
Anemarrhena rhizome
Radix Angelicae Sinensis
dang gui
Angelica root
Semen Sesamum
hu ma ren
Sesame seed
Radix Rehmanniae
sheng di
Rehmannia root
Radix Glycyrrhizae
gan cao
Liquorice root
Caulis Akebiae
mu tong
Akebia stem

This is a common formula for dealing with skin rashes and eczema. In the prescription, schizonepeta, ledebouriella root, cicada slough and arctium fruit are the monarch herbs, which disperses the wind evils in the skin to stop itching. The atractylodes rhizome expels wind and dries dampness; sophora root clears away heat and removes dampness; akebia stem induces urination to eliminate damp-heat. Gypsum and anemrrhena rhizome clear away heat and purge fire. Angelica, sesame seed and rehmannia root nourish and activate the blood. Liquorice root acts as buffer. The whole combination focuses on dispersing wind, but also helps to remove dampness, clear heat and nourish the blood.

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Herbal Prescriptions for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

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