II. Classic Herbal Preparations

II. Classic Herbal Preparations for Weight Loss Many patent Chinese medicines are modified from the classic preparations. Many patent Chinese medicines are modified from the classic preparations. TCM believes Chinese medicine possesses certain properties and that every medicinal substance has its strengths and its shortcomings. Chinese preparations are complex recipes combined according to particular TCM theories. Medicinal substances (usually herbs) are carefully balanced in quality and quantity, in order to accentuate its health restorative actions while reducing side effects. TCM has a lot of experience with obesity. Classic herbal preparations dealing with this problem have been handed down for centuries and can be used in addition to the above functional food recommendations. Today, many popular patent Chinese medicine products have been modified from these classic old formulas. It is important to consult a qualified TCM physician to help you select the most appropriate formula. 1. Decoction of Fangji and Huangqi () Therapeutic effect: To replenish the qi (vital energy) by tonifying the spleen; to relieve edema by inducing diuresis (elimination of urine). Prescription:
Fang zi Fangchi
Huang qi Milk-vetch root
Bai shu Large head atractylodes root
Zhi gan cao Liquorice root (processed with honey)
Sheng jiang Fresh ginger
Da zao Jujube (Chinese date)
In this prescription, the main ingredients are fangchi and milk-vetch root. They tonify the spleen and promote diuresis in a synergistic way. Large head atractylodes root assists the active ingredients and relieves minor symptoms. The liquorice root, fresh ginger and jujube act as buffers. This preparation is appropriate for obesity due to poor spleen functioning and dampness accumulation. 2. Decoction of Dachaihu () Therapeutic effect: To regulate the liver function and eliminate evils by enhancing bowel movements. Prescription:
Chai hu Hare's ear (root)
Huang qin Baical skullcap
Shao yao Peony
Ban xia Pinella tuber
Zhi shi Immature orange fruit
Da huang Rhubarb
Shang jiang Fresh ginger
Da zao Jujube (Chinese date)
In this prescription, hare's ear and baical skullcap regulate the liver and
gall-bladder to soothe the qi (vital energy) and improve blood flow; they act as the main ingredients. Immature orange fruit and rhubarb helps to eliminate the excessive heat evils in the large intestine and stomach. Pinella tuber, peony, jujube and fresh ginger are used to counteract the side effects of the main ingredients or act like buffers. This prescription is generally used for obesity due to excess (shi) syndromes. 3. Decoction of Taohe for Purgation () Therapeutic effect: To activate the blood and remove stasis by lubricating the bowel and promoting bowel movements. Prescription:
Tao ren Peach (kernel)
Da huang Rhubarb
Gui zhi Cassia twig
Zhi gan cao Liquorice root (processed with honey)
Mang xiao Sodium sulfate
In this prescription, peach and rhubarb can eliminate the excessive heat and relieve blood stasis through evacuation of the bowel. The cassia twig and sodium sulfate are used to enhance rhubarb's actions. The cassia twig and liquorice root act as buffers. This prescription is used for obesity due to excess (shi) syndrome accompanied by serious constipation. 4. Bolus of Hemp () Therapeutic effect: To lubricate the intestines; expel excessive heat evils; promote the qi (vital energy) flow and accelerate bowel movement. Prescription:
Ma zi ren Hemp (seed)
shao yao Peony
Zhi shi Immature orange fruit
Da huang Rhubarb
Hou po Magnolia bark
Xing ren Apricot (kernel)
In this prescription, the hemp and peony lubricate the intestines and nourish the spleen-yin at the same time. The apricot nourishes and enhances the large intestine. The orange fruit, rhubarb and magnolia bark expel the excessive evils in the gastrointestinal tract and help to relieve accumulation such as dampness phlegm and waste products in the abdomen. This is used for obesity due to over consumption of heavy and greasy foods. 5. Decoction of Fangfeng for Dispersing the Superficies () Therapeutic effect: To expel the evils by perspiration and evacuation. Prescription:
Fang feng Fangfeng
Ma huang Ephedra
Jing jie Fineleaf Schizonepeta herb
Bo he Peppermint
Lian qiao Forsythia
Jie geng Balloon flower
Chuan xiong Szechuan lovage
Dang gui Chinese angelica root
Bai shu Large head atractylodes root
Zhi zi Gardenia
Da huang Rhubarb
Mang xiao Sodium sulfate
Shi gao Gypsum
Huang qin Baical skullcap
Hua shi Talc (soapstone)
Gan cao Liquorice root
Bai shao White peony root
In the prescription, the fangfeng, ephedra, Schizonepeta herb and peppermint are used to promote perspiration in the body surface. The rhubarb and sodium sulfate promote bowel movement: gardenia and talc induce urination. All these ingredients enhance the expelling of excessive evils outside the body. The balloon flower, gypsum, baical skullcap and forsythia assist the above actions. The Chinese angelica root, Szechuan lovage, peony, large head atractylodes root and liquorice root counteract the side effects of the active ingredients. Overall, it provides perspiration, diuresis and diarrhea actions that can effectively eliminate the pathological conditions in obesity. On the other hand, it also protects against the damage caused by those ingredients that have aggressive actions. 6. Decoction for Invigorating the Spleen () Therapeutic effect: To warm the kidney-yang and invigorate the spleen, promote qi (vital energy) flow and facilitate fluid passage. Prescription:
Hou po Magnolia bark
Bai shu Large head atractylodes root
Mu gua Papaya
Cao guo ren Tsaoko cardamom (seed)
Da fu pi Betel (husk)
Fu zi Monkshood
Bai fu ling Indian bread
Gan jiang Fried ginger
Gan cao Liquorice root
In the prescription, the large head atractylodes root and Indian bread invigorate the spleen directly: the fried ginger and tsaoko cardamom reinforce the spleen by adding a warming effect, and the monkshood can tonify the kidney-yang. As a result, these ingredients smooth the distribution and excretion of the body fluid, and also facilitate expelling dampness evils. The betel and magnolia bark promote qi (vital energy) flow, which enhance the main ingredients. The papaya and liquorice root are used to counteract the side effects or act as buffers. This prescription is for obesity due to yang deficiency of spleen and kidney accompanied by dampness accumulation and qi (vital energy) stagnation inside the body. 7. Powder of Lotus leaf () Therapeutic effect: To eliminate edema and break down the lipids (fats). Prescription:
Jiao he ye Charred lotus leaf
Jing mi Non-glutinous rice (unprocessed)
This prescription is effective for obesity accompanied with high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia (excessive total fat in the blood).

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II. Classic Herbal Preparations

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