Headaches during pregnancy

Headaches are common during pregnancy. Most of them are harmless that are due to normal changes in the hormone levels, and an increase in blood volume and circulation. However, if your headaches get worse or are persistent, you should see a doctor to rule out any serious problems.

From a TCM perspective, since plenty of blood flow down to the uterus and has used to nourish the fetus, the body tends to be in blood deficiency or yin deficiency disharmony. When the head is under nourished or disturbed by the relative excess of yang, there will be headaches. Below are common disharmony patterns of headaches during pregnancy.

TCM disharmony patterns

Headache manifestations

Therapeutic principles

Liver hyperactivity and blood deficiency

Persistent dull pain in the head, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, discomfort in the lower chest, sallow complexion, a pale tongue, taut and thready pulse

Nourish blood and clear the liver

Yang hyperactivity and yin deficiency

Frequent headaches with a distending feeling, dizziness, ear ringing, irritability, a red and dry tongue, the pulse is taut, thready and rapid

Nourish yin and subdue yang

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Headaches during pregnancy

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