Heaviness sensation in the head

Headache sufferers sometimes describe that they had a heavy feeling in the head, like the head being covered or put on heavy objects. This feeling is commonly seen in tension headache, headache of cervical origin or headaches due to functional disorders. TCM holds that dampness is the most common contributing factor for a heavy head feeling. As dampness pathogens are heavy and turbid in natures, they tend to disturb the movement of qi and lead to a sluggish flow of the meridians. Others disharmonies such as stagnation of the liver, dysfunction of the middle burner and improper ascending of lucid yang can also result in a heavy head feeling.

TCM disharmony patterns

Headache manifestations

Therapeutic principles

Wind-dampness obstruction

A heavy head feeling, fatigue, limb heaviness, chest stuffiness, no appetite, urinary difficulty, loose bowels, a white and greasy tongue coating. The symptoms are aggravated during rainy or humid weathers

Dispel wind and eliminate dampness

Damp-heat irritation

A heavy head feeling, or even a distending pain in the head, flushed face, hot sensation of the body, irritability, no appetite, chest stuffiness, gastric and abdominal distention, scanty and yellowish urine, constipation, a red tongue with yellow-greasy coating. The symptoms get worse in the afternoon

Clear heat and resolve dampness.

※ If the symptoms are caused by a hangover, physicians like to use a prescription named

Phlegm-dampness obstruction

A heavy head feeling, or even headache with dizzy and foggy feelings, chest stuffiness, stomach upset, excessive sputum or saliva, fatigue, a bulky tongue with teeth marks around the edge and a white-greasy coating

Invigorate the spleen, dry dampness, resolve phlegm and restore the qi movement

Stagnation of liver

Heavy and dizzy head feelings, lower chest discomfort, stomach upset, belching, mental depression, dream-disturbed sleep, forgetfulness, poor appetite and loose bowels. The symptoms usually fluctuate along with emotional stress

Sooth the liver, regulate qi and harmonize the middle burner

Deficiency of middle burner

Persistent heavy head feeling, or dizzy, heavy and empty feelings in the head, accompanied by paleness, fatigue, breath shortness, poor appetite, loose bowels, a pale tongue

Invigorate the middle burner, replenish qi, and promote the ascending of lucid yang


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Heaviness sensation in the head

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