Applications of Yin Yang Theory in Chinese Medicine Practice

yin yang symbolMost of the time, we are based on a reductive view to understand the world, which breaks down everything into its constituent parts in seeking how they work specifically. However, ancient Chinese's worldview is very different, that things are interdependent and mutually interactive, and should be analyzed and interpreted with reference to the whole. Yin yang and five elements were created by the ancient Chinese to express how they viewed the world holistically.

Yin and yang represent two opposite yet complementary aspects of objects, in which they interact with each other to maintain a dynamic balance. The ancient Chinese used the interrelationship between yin and yang to explain the phenomena in the body as well as the natural world. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the yin yang theory forms the foundation of its holistic healing, physicians use the theory to explain the body’s structure, physiological functions, pathological changes, and also guide clinical diagnosis and treatment.

>  Yin Yang Application in Body Structures

>  Yin Yang Application in Physiological Functions

>  Yin Yang Application in Pathological Changes

>  Yin Yang Application in Diagnosis

>  Yin Yang Application in Treatment

>  Herbs and Their Yin and Yang Properties

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Applications of Yin Yang Theory in Chinese Medicine Practice

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