Additional Techniques in Acupuncture Treatments

Depending on the condition, there are a few other procedures that may be used in conjunction with Chinese acupuncture treatments.

Therapeutic Approaches According to the Eight Principles Differentiation 

Principles Recommended Approaches
Exterior syndrome Filiform needling superficially or by tapping. In cases of heat, reduction needling techniques such as withdrawing the needles quickly or blood-letting can help to expel the heat. Moxibustion is indicated when there is coldness.
Interior syndrome Filiform needling deep relatively. When the patient presents with heat, reduction needling techniques should be used as well as heavy stimulation and more acupoints should be selected. When deficiency is presented, use reinforcement techniques, with gentle stimulations and more moxibustion.
Heat syndrome Strong stimulation, or combined with the blood-letting method, do not use moxibustion.
Cold syndrome Combine both acupuncture and moxibustion; retain the needles for a longer time, and use more moxibustion, or apply cupping locally.
Deficient syndrome Reinforcement needling techniques, gentle stimulation and less acupoints should be selected. More moxibustion should be used for yang deficiency.
Excess syndrome Reduction needling techniques, strong stimulation and more acupoints should be selected. When there is coldness, moxibustion should also be applied.
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