Eight Influential Points

There are eight specific points where essence of the five zang organs, six fu organs, qi (vital energy), blood, tendons, blood vessels, bones and marrow flows in and gather together. The points are closely associated with the physiological functions of the above mentioned systems or structures, and thus are often used to treat relevant conditions, in particular for those of a chronic and for those in weakened states.

Table of the Eight Influential Points and Their Indications

Systems / structures Influential Points Suggested Indications
Zang organs zhang men (Lr 13) Zang organ problems especially for liver and spleen conditions
Fu organs zhong wan (Cv 12) Fu organ problems and most effective in stomach and large intestine conditions
Qi tan zhong (Cv 17) Qi movement problems that appear chest oppression, shortness of breath, hiccup, wheeze, belching, vomiting and depressed mood
Blood ge shu (Bl 17) Blood problems such as spitting blood, nasal bleeding, coughing blood, blood in the stools and urine, excessive menses and anemia; also for traumatic injuries and blood stasis conditions
Tendons yang ling quan (Gb 34) Tendon problems and mostly in paralysis of one side of the body, shoulder and arm pain, muscular spasm and weakness, limb atrophy and numbness
Blood vessels tai yuan (Lu 9) Blood vessel problems such as abnormal pulse, vascular inflammation and arteriosclerosis
Bones da zhu (Bl 11) Bone pain especially in the neck, shoulder, back and limbs
Marrow xuan zhong (Gb 39) Paralysis in the lower limbs, limb weakness and atrophy, anemia and painful conditions
The Eight Influential Points The Eight Influential Points

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