Insomnia Acupressure Remedies

The flow of qi (vital energy) in the meridian system concentrates or gathers in certain areas of body surface, where makes the qi more accessible along the meridians. These areas are very small points, known as “acupuncture points” or “acupoints”. Appropriate stimulating on the acupoints activate the transmissions in the meridian system, which can regulate organ functioning, promote blood and qi activities, enhance the resistance of body, and achieve therapeutic effects.     

There are over 365 acupuncture points (twice if counting on both sides), and most of them are along the 20 major meridians (twelve regular plus eight extra). There are also plenty of a-shi points and extraordinary points that do not belong to any of the meridians but have special therapeutic effects for some diseases. 

Insomnia can be due to many causes, and the manifestations vary from person to person. For acupressure therapy, selection and combination of acupoints should be based on disease characters. This principle is extremely important as it enable TCM physicians can flexibly prescribe for their patients. 

Below are acupressure remedies for certain insomnia situations. See the pictures for references.

1. Insomnia due to overly excited mind

  • Use the thumb and index finger to pinch and knead the boney process behind the earlobe (known as the sleeping point);
  • Nip and grasp the palm web between the thumb and index finger (Li 4);
  • Nip and grasp the web between the big toe and second toe (Lr 2);
  • Fist the heel (known as the insomnia region).

2. Insomnia due to noise sensitive  

  • Pinch and knead the sleeping point;
  • Rub the top of the foot in the depression between the 1st and 2nd toe (Lr 3);
  • Fist hit the insomnia region.

3. Night urination and early wakening 

  • Pinch and knead the sleeping point;
  • Knead the lateral elbow region (Lu 5) in the front of the forearm;
  • Knead the midline of the wrist (Pc 7);
  • Knead the inner side of the Achilles tendon (Ki 5);
  • Rub on the top of the foot, depression between the 1st and 2nd toe (Lr 3);
  • Fist the insomnia region.

4. Insomnia due to physical fatigue 

  • Knead the outer nail corner of the little finger (Si 1);
  • Knead the inner side of the wrist (Ht 7);
  • Straighten the knees and hold the knee back with the hands, and knead the inferior and lateral portion of the knee (St 36) with the thumbs;
  • Rub on the dorsum of the foot in the depression between the 1st and 2nd toe (Lr 3);
  • Fist the insomnia region.

5. Sleep disturbed by nightmares or an uncomfortable pillow

  • Rub the centre of the front forearm (Pc 4);
  • Adduct the ankle and knead the anterior depression of the ankle (Lr 4);
  • Pinch around the nail of the big toe (Sp 1 & Lr 1).

6. Sleep that is too light 

  • Knead the front of the forearm, 2-finger-breadths above the midline of the wrist (Pc 6);
  • Knead the center of the palm (Pc 8);
  • Pinch around the nail of the big toe (Sp 1 & Lr 1).

The above acupressure remedies are suitable for most insomnia individuals, you will see the effects when practicing regularly and becoming skillful.  

insomnia acupressure points

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