Phlegm Dispelling Therapy

TCM holds that phlegm accumulation is a main cause for the formation of tumors or accumulated masses; however, phlegm is not the primary cause in most cases, but a pathological product arising from internal qi stagnation. Clinically, it is a routine for physicians to use herbs with salty and cold properties to resolve phlegm and eradicate tumors or accumulated masses. For this purpose, phlegm dispelling therapy is usually employed in conjunction with other therapies in TCM external medicine, such as dispersing wind, unblocking stagnation or nourishing blood, in order to obtain the most effective result.

Unibract fritillary bulb 

Dispelling wind and resolving phlegm: great burdock fruit, peppermint, selfheal fruit spike, dried tangerine peel, pinellia tuber and bitter apricot kernel. The remedies are indicated for conditions due to wind-heat combined phlegm irritations, such as painful lump in the neck region. Sample Prescription: Burdock Fruit Decoction for Releasing Muscles (niu bang jie ji tang) plus Citrus & Pinellia Decoction (er chen tang).

Releasing stagnation and resolving phlegm
: bupleurum root, Sichuan Chinaberry, turmeric root-tuber, seaweed, and unibract fritillary bulb. The remedies are indicated for conditions like breast lump and thyroid enlargement. Sample Prescription: Free and Easy Wanderer Powder (xiao yao sanplus Citrus & Pinellia Decoction (er chen tang)

Enriching blood and resolving phlegm
: angelica root, white peony root, red sage root, processed rhemannia rhizome and poria. The remedies are indicated for conditions like lymphatic tuberculosis or breast cancer with a weak body. Sample Prescription: Nutgrass and Fritillary Nourish Blood Decoction (xiang bei yang ying tang). This prescription aims at replenishing blood and qi, smoothing their flows and dissolving phlegm, making it suitable for individuals with tuberculosis or breast cancer which has developed a long period of time.


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Phlegm Dispelling Therapy

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