Auricular therapy involves stimulating specific points on the ear to prevent and treat diseases. The ear is connected to the body’s organs and systems through meridians, and different areas of the ear correspond to different parts of the body. These areas, known as auricular points, are used for diagnosis and treatment by physicians. Stimulating these points can help clear meridians, promote blood flow, and regulate organ functions.
Auricular therapy has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, with various methods such as acupuncture, moxibustion, adhesive patches, pressure pills, massage, embolism, medicinal blowing, embedding needles, and bloodletting. Combining auricular therapy with conventional treatments can enhance clinical outcomes and improve patient compliance.
For ear ringing, the usual ways of stimulation are acupuncture and seed pressing. Auricular points selected include inner ear (1), kidney (2), liver (3), shen men (4), & spleen (5), see the graphic for references. Stimulating the points are aimed at smoothing meridians, invigorating kidney and liver, clearing up head and ear orifices, arresting ear ringing and calming down.
1. Acupuncture method: medium stimulation, and needle retention for 10 to 20 minutes; apply daily for 10 to 15 times as one course of treatment.
2. Seed pressing method: using Vaccaria seeds or magnetic beads, attach the seeds or beads to the auricular points on one side of the ear; massage the points for 2-3 minutes each time, 3-5 times a day, until feeling a sensation of soreness and warmth. Switch to the other ear every 3-4 days. Complete a course of 10-15 sessions, then take a 2-day break before starting another course.
Before starting the procedure, it’s important to perform some preparatory steps to prevent infection: clean the area around the ear thoroughly, disinfect with alcohol and massage the ear to prepare it for the remedy. These steps help ensure a safe and effective auricular therapy session.