August 2014

A review of stories making the headlines

Chinese study of traditional medicine lags behind growing Western interest
China Daily, 1 August 2014

Fernando Davino arrived in Beijing eight years ago to learn about Chinese medicine and to become a Chinese medicine practitioner. He said Chinese medicine consists of three parts: philosophy, culture and medical knowledge. Unlike Western Medicine which requires basic medical knowledge for the treatments of diseases, Chinese medicine must study a wider range of practices, and it takes students a long time to be professional doctors and find jobs.

Research plan on bear bile medicine is hailed by animal activists, 1 August 2014

China’s leading producer of bear bile pharmaceuticals says it is searching for synthetic alternatives, a move hailed by animal welfare advocates. Shanghai Kaibao Pharmaceutical told investors that its research project to develop a bear bile equivalent using poultry bile had received the support of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. The Chinese central government had promised a grant of more than RMB$ 5.3 million for the project. The local authorities have pledged RMB$ 6 million, while the company will raise RMB$ 12 million.

Hospitals in Henan province set up independent police service rooms, 4 August 2014

In Henan province, 90% of hospitals have set up police rooms to protect doctors and nurses from attacks by medical disputes with patients. The rooms are stocked with alarm buttons, helmets, shields, anti-stab vests, and camera surveillance equipment. Police officers, together with security guards in the hospital, are on hand to keep the order when emotions run high between doctors and patients. There are also mediators to guide the patients about their rights.

Acupuncture and herbs halt bedwetting
HealthCMI, 5 August 2014

A study finds acupuncture and herbal medicine effective for treating children with bedwetting. Researchers from Capital University of Medical Sciences (Beijing) compared three study groups with a sample size of 330 children with bedwetting. Treatments were administered for 2 months and a 6-month follow-up visit was used to gather and tabulate the data. All patients demonstrated positive patient outcomes, but the combined group outperformed the other two with a significant higher rate.

Fair puts Chinese Medicine advances under microscope, 7 August 2014

The 13th International Conference & Exhibition of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine and Health Products (ICMCM) will feature over 130 exhibitors from 10 countries and regions, and bring together industry leaders for a series of high-profile information-sharing sessions from 14-16 August. ICMCM is jointly organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association, and takes place at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Dr. James Michael Moore explores traditional Chinese medical concepts, 7 August 2014

Dr. James Michael Moore explores key concepts of TCM in his accessible new nonfiction, “Six Strands of the Web: An In-depth Study of the Six Stages of Disease In Traditional Chinese Medicine,” published by AuthorHouse. TCM has always viewed the progression of disease within the body as something that happens in six distinct stages. Moore outlines these six stages in an effort to guide students of TCM toward a deeper understanding of how disease progresses.

Growing a new cash crop with Chinese medicinal herbs, 9 August 2014

The tobacco raised by Carolina farmers once provided a good cash crop, now farmers make good money raising herbs for better health through TCM. “A lot of the herbs grow well here and it’s more sustainable agriculture,” said Amy Hamilton, who operates Appalachian Seeds Farm & Nursery in Rutherford County. About five acres locally are growing the plants, they aim to see 100 acres in production by 2020.

Chinese drugs firm Hutchison China MediTech looks healthy after doubling in three years, 9 August 2014

Hutchison China MediTech runs three main divisions: a consumer products arm selling wellbeing items such as organic tea and healthy snacks; a healthcare arm selling prescription and OTC drugs; and a research and development arm working on new drugs. The group sells more than 200 drugs and runs a sales force of more than 2,500 across 600 Chinese cities. Until recently, Chi-Med sold only its own products, including two household brands, but it now sells other manufacturers’ drugs too.

Official uses Net to make graft claims
China Daily, 13 August 2014

An anti-corruption official in Hunan province has claimed that the China Food and Drug Administration and the Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission have engaged in corrupt deals with “interest group(s)”. Lu Qun said that Shao, the former head of the CFDA, manipulated the categorization to benefit the jinyinhua industry in Shandong, his hometown. In the country's pharmacopoeia, which was revised in 2005 and 2010, the herb was split into two categories.

Acupuncture & herbs beat drugs for fallopian tube infertility
HealthCMI, 14 August 2014

Researchers in China conducted a randomized controlled study of 200 patients with fallopian tube obstruction related infertility. Pregnancy rates were measured for the drug group and the acupuncture combined with herbal medicine group at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after completion of treatments. The combined group had a significant higher improvement in pregnancy rates, which achieved an 85% pregnancy rate while the other group is 38%.

China's homegrown brands advised to stay relevant to customers in promotion, 19 August 2014

China's time-honored homegrown brands need to stay relevant, emotionally and culturally, to domestic consumers if they want to keep growing in a fast evolving market, a marketing consultancy report said. Most Chinese old brands don't have a clear image that stands out from the competition, not stylish or modern enough, so it's difficult to attract younger consumers. These brands really have a good opportunity to capitalize on the growing pride of China and the Chinese themselves.

Mixing old and new recipe for success
China Daily, 19 August 2014

The proudest thing in Qi Taiyun's career is being a leading member of a Chinese drug company that has, since its founding in 1971, never had to borrow money for investment nor report a net loss. Qi, secretary of Yunnan Baiyao Group Co Ltd, said the company’s success is based not only on its secret recipe but also its ability to change. Its market value has soared from about 300 million yuan in 1993 to 70.8 billion yuan in 2013, with a revenue of 15.8 billion yuan, the highest sales among Chinese listed drug companies.

Acupuncture revives coma patients
HealthCMI, 18 August 2014

Researchers discovered an acupuncture point that delivers superior clinical outcomes. Acupuncture point GV25 (su liao) outperformed acupuncture point GV26 (shui gou), a classically indicated acupuncture point for revival of consciousness. The research team notes that the effect of GV25 on improving consciousness from coma in severe craniocerebral injury is positive. It could specifically improve sneezing reflex and stimulate respiratory center, and has more obvious effect than acupuncture at GV26.

Human placenta 'biscuits' being sold in Hong Kong shops, despite ban, 24 August 2014

Three of the six Causeway Bay shops reporters visited said they sold placenta in biscuit form. It can be eaten like a biscuit or broken up and mixed with water, one seller said. Prices ranged from HK$40 to HK$50 a piece or HK$100 per tael. In image-obsessed Hong Kong, the black-market trade is probably fuelled by claims that consuming human placenta improves the complexion. The mainland banned the sale of human placenta in 2005.

Chinese pharma starts to narrow the gap, 26 August 2014

Between 2007 and 2012, Chinese investment in biomedical R&D grew at an annual rate of 33%, compared with an average 7% in the rest of Asia-Pacific, according to McKinsey. This increased spending is beginning to produce results: the number of Chinese papers in respected life science journals rose more than six fold between 2001 and 2013. Skills shortages are another obstacle being gradually overcome, as China’s universities churn out young scientists and those trained in the west return home.

Foreign-funded hospitals planned in seven Chinese cities or provinces, 27 August 2014

A pilot project to set up wholly foreign-funded hospitals will be launched in seven mainland cities or provinces as part of reforms to improve services and introduce more competition in the health sector. Overseas investors will be allowed to establish foreign-funded hospitals from scratch or through mergers and acquisitions in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, and Jiangsu, Fujian , Guangdong, and Hainan provinces. The seven municipal or provincial administrations will be responsible for drafting their own proposals and regulating hospitals' daily operations.

Groups urge govt to review GST scope, 28 August 2014

CHINESE groups and trade organizations are urging the government to consider revising the soon-to-be implemented goods and services tax (GST) from 6% to 4% in the 2015 Budget. Their budget wishlist also include the GST exemption on TCM services. Federation of Chinese Physicians and Acupuncturists Association of Malaysia president Ng Po Kok wants the government to exempt traditional medicine and treatment from GST, saying many European countries as well as the US and Canada have waived GST on traditional treatment.

New maids can learn new skills with launch of subsidised classes by charity, 29 August 2014

SINGAPORE - Employers can sign their new maids up for subsidised classes in healthy cooking, massage, and Traditional Chinese Medicine for pain relief. These classes are part of a support program launched by the Foreign Domestic Worker Association to give newcomers a skills boost and help them adapt to Singapore culture. The charity is partnered with 14 maid agencies to offer new employers for free or at a fee not exceeding $50.

Compiled By: Rose Tse, Integrated Chinese Medicine Holdings Ltd.

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