Latin Name:
 Fructus Rubi
Common Name: Palmleaf raspberry fruit Dried palmleaf raspberry fruit
Scientific Name: Rubus Chingii Hu.
Chinese Name: 覆盆子

Pinyin Name: fu pen zi
The unripe fruit of Rubus Chingii Hu; a shrub plant of the Rosaceae family.1
Palmleaf raspberry fruit is mainly distributed in Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei and Guizhou provinces of China.1
Palmleaf raspberry fruit is sweet and sour in flavor, slightly warm in nature, and mainly manifests its therapeutic actions in the kidney and liver meridians.1
Identified chemical constituents of palmleaf raspberry fruit include organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid and saccharides. It also contains ellgic acid, β-sitosterol and vitamin A.2

Palmleaf raspberry fruit benefits the kidneys, consolidates essence and reduces excessive urination.1

Problems due to insecurity of kidney qi that caused seminal emission, bed-wetting or urinary frequency, palmleaf raspberry fruit not only can invigorate the liver and kidney functioning, it can also exert its astringent actions to arrest excessive seminal leaking and control urination. In case of seminal emission, premature emission or impotence, palmleaf raspberry fruit is often selected with Chinese wolfberry, dodder seed and schisandra; in case of urinary problems, palmleaf raspberry fruit is often selected with mantis egg-case and sharpleaf glangal fruit in the remedies.     

Problems due to liver and kidney deficiency that caused dark and blurred vision, palmleaf raspberry fruit is often selected with dodder seed and Chinese wolfberry in the remedies. 
1. Estrogenic Effect 

In vitro studies 
Fructus Rubi was observed to have estrogenic effects on rabbit vaginal smear examinations and on vaginal endothelium smears in vitro.5 

2. Promote Lymphocyte Proliferation 

In vitro studies 
Four types of Fructus Rubi extracts: water extract, alcohol extract, crude polysaccharide extract and butanol extract, all demonstrated lymphocyte proliferation promoting effects with or without Con A stimulation.6 

3. Elevate Testosterone Level 

Animal studies 
A water extract of Fructus Rubi could act directly on rat Leydig cells (cells in the testes that secrete the hormone testosterone) to promote the activity of steroid synthesizing enzymes and to inhibit their degradation. As a consequence, more testosterone was synthesized and blood testosterone levels were elevated in the rats.
For decoction, the usual dose of palmleaf raspberry fruit is 5~10g.1
Palmleaf raspberry fruit is contraindicated in individuals with urinary difficulty.  
  1. Lui Daiquan, ed. Chinese Medicine. Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers, 2000-6. 
  2. Li Jiashi, ed. Chinese Medicine Identification. Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers, 2000-6. 
  3. Wu Yiluo. Bencao Congxin (New Compilation of Materia Medica), 1757AD. 
  4. Li Shizhen, Bencao Gangmu (Compendium of Materia Medica) 1578AD. 
  5. Jiangsu Modern Medicine College, ed. Pharmacopoeia of Chinese medicine, Volume II. Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers 1986-2698. 
  6. Chen Kunhua, Fang Jun, Jin Hung, et al. Enhancement of Fructus Rubi extract ingredients on lymphocyte proliferation and its relationship with cyclic nucleotide. Shanghai Journal of Immunology 1995,15(5):302. 
  7. Li Zhong ed. Modern Clinical Chinese Medicine. Beijing: China Medical Technological Publishers 1994, p241. 
  8. Quoted in "Wang BX ed. Modern Pharmacological studies on Chinese Medicine. Tianjin Scientific Technology Publishing, 1999: 1248-1250"

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