Proprietary Chinese Medicines to Stop Itchy Skin

In the market, Chinese herbal products are sold in various forms of preparations, such as pills, powders, granules, tablets, capsules, soft extracts etc., that are manufactured according to certain principles of applications. Compared with clinically remedies, these OTC products are convenient to use. They usually don’t have the unfavorable smells as traditional decoctions, so are more acceptable by people. However, the use of proprietary Chinese medicines should always consult professional opinions and avoid taking casually. Any application must be guided by the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and based on syndrome differentiation. Before taking them, people must carefully read the instructions for the medicine, and strictly follow the relevant instructions and contraindications.

Itchiness can easily be triggered by lifestyle or environmental factors; it is a lingering problem in some individuals. For those who often in trouble for it, TCM physicians may suggest them taking proprietary Chinese medicine after routine treatment, so as to consolidate the therapeutic results and reduce the chances of relapse. The effects of the proprietary Chinese medicine are gentle and slow, which favor modulating the body functioning and long-term maintenance.

Below are some of the choices:  

TCM itchy type Damp-heat disharmony
Indications Mostly affected the middle ages, persistent itchiness that tends to worse in hot environment. The body surface may have scratched marks, bleeding marks, or oozing. Individuals may also accompany with thirst, irritability, and a greasy covered tongue
Sample products Two Wonder Pill (er miao wan)
Wormwood and Five Poria Pill (yin chen wu ling wan)
Gentian Liver-Purging Pill (long dan xie gan wan)
Remark Pregnancy is not indicated
TCM itchy type Blood deficient disharmony
Indications Mostly affected the elderly people, itchiness last for a long time. The skin is dry, gloomy and scaly, with scratching marks and bleeding marks. Individuals may also accompany with dizziness, and insomnia
Sample products Four-substance Pill (si wu wan
Restore the Spleen Pill (gui pi wan)
Strengthen the Spleen Pill (jian pi wan)
Remark Indigestion and other digestive symptoms are not indicated
TCM itchy type Wind abundant disharmony
Indications Dry and itchy skin with thickened skin segments, last for a long time
Sample products Ledebouriella to Disperse the Superficial Pill (fang feng tong sheng wan)
Chinese Rat Snake Anti-itch Pill (wu she zhi yang wan)
Remark Pregnancy is not indicated

Besides the above over-the-counter products to take orally, external TCM remedies such as washes or ointments are also available in the market, be sure to read the label carefully, you may find something work well.

Further Readings:

Understanding a herbal supplyment label


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Proprietary Chinese Medicines to Stop Itchy Skin

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