The Kidney's Relationship With The Spleen

While the kidneys are regarded as the "congenital foundation" and origin of life, the spleen is regarded as the "acquired foundation" and source of blood and qi production. The two organs mutually nourish and promote each other.

The kidneys are regarded as the congenital foundation and the spleen is regarded as the acquired foundation of life.The spleen rules transformation and transportation. That means it is the primary organ for digestion, absorption and distribution of nutrient essence to the entire body. The nutrient essences are the material basis for fundamental substances like blood, qi and body fluids. That is why the spleen is regarded as the "acquired foundation" and source of blood and qi production. In order to work properly, the spleen depends on the warming and propelling activities of kidney-yang. As the Medical Alarms (yi men bang he) states: "The transformation and transportation functions of the spleen and stomach are actually motivated by the kidneys' warming and propelling power." The statement implies that the congenital foundation supports the acquired foundation, which enables the spleen and stomach to work properly. As a result, the spleen and stomach can effectively digest and absorb food and drink and transform into the nutrient essences, ensuring proper replenishment and nourishment of the body.

Formation of acquired jing (essence) that is used to support life functions.
Formation of acquired jing (essence) that is used to support life functions.

Once the kidney yang is deficient and fails to warm and propel the spleen, the transformation and transportation processes become abnormal, and problems such as diarrhea may occur. In the TCM classic Jingyue's Complete Works (jing yue quan shu), it notes: "The kidneys act as the gate of the stomach; they open into the anterior and posterior orifices; therefore, urination and defecation processes are controlled by them. If a kidney yang deficiency is present, then the fire of the vital gate is diminished...... the body's yin energy will be in extreme, which leads to uncontrollable diarrhea." Clinically, in cases of senile degeneration or long-term illness, individuals usually suffer from a kidney yang-qi deficiency and the spleen loses warmth. Diarrhea is a common symptom among them. For those people who present with constant diarrhea before daybreak, a common TCM therapeutic approach is to warm the kidneys and spleen.  

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The Kidney's Relationship With The Spleen

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