Warm Meridian Decoction

wen jing tang   溫經湯 

Source: Synopsis of the Golden Chamber 《金匱要略》

wu zhu yu medicinal evodia fruits Fructus Evodiae
mai dong dwarf lily-turf tuber Radix Ophiopogonis
dang gui angelica root Radix Angelicae Sinensis
bai shao white peony root Radix Paeoniae Alba
chuan xiong Sichuan lovage rhizome Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong
ren shen ginseng Radix Ginseng
gui zhi cassia twig Ramulus Cinnamomi
e jiao donkey-hide gelatin Colla Corii Asini
mu dan pi peony root bark Crotex Moutan
sheng jiang fresh ginger Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens
gan cao liquorice root Radix Glycyrrhizae
ban xia pinellia tuber Rhizoma Pinelliae

prolong menses flows that are darkened and clotty in textures, and the periods become irregular or even missed. Individuals may have colic pain in the lower abdomen, abdominal distention, feverish sensation in the evening, warm palms and soles, and dry mouth and lips. On examination, the tongue is dark red, and the pulse is thready and hesitant. Besides, it is also indicated for prolong infertility due to excess coldness in the womb. With appropriate modifications, modern TCM uses this formula for conditions like dysfunctional uterine bleeding, chronic pelvic inflammation, menstrual pain and infertility that resulted from deficient and cold meridians, and blood stasis blockage.

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Warm Meridian Decoction

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